B4J Library [BANanoVueMaterial]: The first complete opensource VueJS UX based framework for BANano


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BANanoVuetify 3.03 - Drag n Drop Selects, AutoComplete and Combo

To simplyfy development we have merged the Select, AutoComplete and Combo into VMSelect control. The source of data for these can be a map or a datasource from a list of records stored in a database. When using a map, one is provided with an option to specify the Item Values and Item Text values. These needs to be separated by ,.

For a database based source, one specifies the 'source table', 'item value' field and also the 'item text' field. For example

Dim states as list
states.add(createmap("id":"1","name":"State 1"))
states.add(createmap("id":"2","name":"State 2"))
states.add(createmap("id":"3","name":"State 3"))
states.add(createmap("id":"4","name":"State 4"))

We save the list to the state of the app

vm.SetData("mystates", states)

So as a data source, we will use "mystates" - meaning the state we have saved the list to for the list.

The item value will be the 'id' in each map record. This identfies each state uniquely.
The item text will be 'name' as it links to the name to be returned.

To use map values, one needs to select 'Use Options' in the property bag. This will use the '1,2,3' and 'One,Two,Three' as specified in item values and item texts and not the datasource.

This will be defined as

Dim select3keys As String = "1,2,3"
Dim select3values As String = "One,Two,Three"
Dim select3map As Map = vm.keyvalues2map(",", select3keys, select3values)
Dim selselect3 As VMSelect = vm.NewSelectOptions(Me, true, "selselect3", "select3", "select3", true, false, "", select3map, "id", "text", false, "", "", 0)

NB: Watch in HD


Dragging and Droping AutoCompletes is the same as selects as the same component is being returned i.e. VMSelect. One just drags and drops it in the designer and uses the similar process as completing the Select property bag.

Combo boxes

Dragging and Droping Combos is the same as selects as the same component is being returned i.e. VMSelect. One just drags and drops it in the designer and uses the similar process as completing the Select property bag.

You can check the Vuetify documentation on the differences of these controls and what they offer.

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BANanoVuetify - Creating Client Side Excel Reports

We have updated the Excel example to be able for one to generate an excel report for the expenses.

Let's look at the code. We are directly getting the records from the database and then feed them to the BANanoOXML engine.

Sub PrintExpenses
    Dim oxml As BANanoOXML
    Dim rpt As BANanoObject = oxml.WorkSheet("Expenses")
    'create a heading for the report
    oxml.SetText(rpt, 1, 1, "Expenses Report")
    'merge the heading
    oxml.Merge(rpt, "A1:E1")
    Dim rowH As BANanoObject = oxml.GetRow(rpt, 1, 1)
    Dim hstyle As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
    hstyle.bold = True
    hstyle.fontSize = 18
    hstyle.hAlignment = "center"
    hstyle.vAlignment = "center"
    oxml.SetStyle(rowH, hstyle)
    'put border on merged rc
    Dim colCnt As Int
    For colCnt = 1 To 5
        Dim colH As BANanoObject = oxml.GetCell(rpt, 1, colCnt)
        oxml.SetStyleBorder(colH, oxml.colors_black, oxml.BorderThin)
    'add the headers
    oxml.SetRow(rpt, 2, 1, Array("Date", "Category", "Type", "Description", "Amount"))
    'get all the expenses we need to report on
    Dim qry As String = "select expenses.id, expenses.expense_date, expenses.expense_description, expenses.expense_amount, expensecategories.text as expense_category,"
    qry = qry & "expensetypes.text As expense_type from expenses, expensecategories, expensetypes where expenses.expense_category = expensecategories.id and expenses.expense_type = "
    qry = qry & "expensetypes.id order by expenses.expense_date desc"
    Dim dbsql As BANanoMySQL
    dbsql.Initialize(Main.dbase, "expenses", "id")
    dbsql.json = BANano.CallInlinePHPWait(dbsql.methodname, dbsql.Build)
    If dbsql.OK Then
        Dim rowCnt As Int = 3
        'loop through each expense record
        For Each expmap As Map In dbsql.result
            Dim sexpense_date As String = expmap.Get("expense_date")
            Dim sexpense_description As String = expmap.get("expense_description")
            Dim sexpense_amount As String = expmap.get("expense_amount")
            Dim sexpense_category As String = expmap.get("expense_category")
            Dim expense_type As String = expmap.get("expense_type")
            Dim rptLine As List
            rptLine.AddAll(Array(sexpense_date, sexpense_category, expense_type, sexpense_description, sexpense_amount))
            oxml.SetRow(rpt, rowCnt, 1, rptLine)
            rowCnt = rowCnt + 1
        'add a total for the amount
        oxml.SetFormula(rpt, rowCnt + 1, 5, $"SUM(E3:E${rowCnt})"$)
        'apply borders to all the rows
        Dim rowStart As Int
        Dim rstyle As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
        rstyle.borderColor = oxml.colors_black
        rstyle.borderthickness = oxml.BorderThin
        For rowStart = 2 To rowCnt
            rstyle.bold = False
            Dim rptr As BANanoObject = oxml.GetRow(rpt, rowStart, 1)
            If rowStart = 2 Then rstyle.bold = True
            oxml.setstyle(rptr, rstyle)
        'number format column from where amounts start
        Dim amt As BANanoObject = oxml.GetColumn(rpt, 3, 5)
        Dim cstyle As OXMLStyle = oxml.CreateStyle
        cstyle.numberFrmat = "#,##0.00 ;[Red](#,##0.00)"
        cstyle.borderColor = oxml.colors_black
        cstyle.borderthickness = oxml.BorderThin
        oxml.SetStyle(amt, cstyle)
        Log("modExpenses.Refresh: Error - " & dbsql.error)
    End If
    oxml.download(Me, "onDownload")
End Sub

Sub onDownload
    vm.ShowSnackBar("Expenses report downloaded!")
End Sub


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Exciting!!! Exciting!!! Exciting!!! A new thread about initializing and handling events!!



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Drag and drop a Container

A container is the root layout of all designs. When you design your page, the underlying component that you create is a container and controls are added to it and the grid is designed based on your requirements.

In all instances of the components we designed above, the underlying root component would have been the container. Now this is how we will create the container with the designer. When we specified the matrix of R1C1, we were indicating that that respective component will be placed on that particular location of the container.

A container is a div with a container class added to it. It can be fluid, have elevation etc etc. Let's watch.

NB: The designer is working in static mode and does not page refresh. As a result we have a known issue of the datetimepicker (not showing, a bug we will sort soon)


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Drag and Drop the Toolbar - Part 1 (This applies for AppBar, ToolBar and SystemBar)


In this part 1 of this toolbar thread, we explore how we can drag and drop a toolbar to our stage to create our code. There are 3 types of toolbars for Vuetify, these are

1. The AppBar
2. The ToolBar and
3. The SystemBar

Using a radio group, one is able to select any type of toolbar they need.

In Part 2 we will look at adding iconbuttons, search, menus and other buttons. Watch this space! Above all else.. Enjoy!

NB: Watch in HD

PS: You can directly run the designer without installation directly from this github link


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@Rubsanpe Thanks for your encouragement and appreciation.

Please note that this is how we ask questions about this library. This is indicated on the 1st post.

If you have followed all the instructions about how to set up your IDE and as indicated in the 1st post, you should not experience any problems.

I cannot reproduce your error on my side. Try and click Project > Clean Project and also Window > Reset

Anyway, this is my configuration and everything is fine. The reported issue about the post processor though is not really an issue.

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