B4J Code Snippet [BANanoVuetifyAD] Server Maintenance Categories MySQL CRUD WebApp featuring the BANanoDataSource (PHP)


NB: Please run the MySQL Connection Test first

Attached is a fully working project developed with BVAD3 that showcases the new BANanoDataSource.

Download Source

Youw ill need the BVAD3 b4xlib, copy these to your external libraries folder

These are the components we have used

  • AppBar
  • ProgressLinear
  • NavigationDrawer (left + right)
  • Dialogs
  • Text Boxes
  • Buttons
  • Message Boxes
  • Cards
  • Data Tables
  • Action Buttons
  • Speed Dial
  • BANanoDataSource for MySQL Backend Abstraction
  • PHP via BANanoMySQLE

Everything has been created with the Abstract Designer.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Part 2 (final is ready)

This looks at drilling down the categories and adding tasks that one can link to a schedule. This is just for demonstration purposes.
We load categories into combo boxes, a user can then select which one to add a task to and save.

Do to the usage of the combo and the assumption of a multi-user application, we load the combo first (this is what we did before anyway), but because of the BANanoDataSource, we had to think differently. As a result we exploded the Done event (its still available) by creating other events.

As an example:

  • Creating a Record returns a _CREATE event
  • Update a Recod returns an _UPDATE event
  • Read a record returs a _READ event
  • Delete a record returns a _DELETE event

This helps in streamlining the code and no more using IF ELSE like one did on the _DONE statement. The signatures of these events are the same.

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thanx for your quick demo, in my case the b4j app is compiled and execute successfully but it did not load the categories and an indeterminate progress bar kept showing. I have executed servermaintenance sql query which created categories table with data in mysql. I am using latest libraries 5.40 with latest b4j demo uploaded by you.

I think I missed something, please guide.

thanking you in advance...



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Hello, it is to confirm that there was mistake on my side, I forgot to create database 'servermaintenance' and the tables namely categories and tasks were supposed to be inside this database ?


Gerhard Schindler

Licensed User
I have a correct named database and all your sample data in the database. But there are no categories indicated. indeterminate progress bar .
Libaray is 5.75 an laragon mysql 5.7.33


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Gerhard.

1. Did you run the Database Connector project to see if connections can work?

2. Usually when something is not working as expected, the first point of call is the console.log. What kind of errors are showing in your console.log?

3. There is also a sql file that you need to import, did you do that?