Hi there
If you have had the pleasure to work with BANanoVuetifyAD3, surely you have picked up how easy at times it is to use and probably enjoying using it. Yes its massive and the property bags rather large, but then you might have picked up the following:
1. The ease of completing some tasks.
2. The difficulties in understanding some concepts and applying them.
3. Lack of documentation
4. You abandoned it because you could not use it.
5. The impact of the now "hidden" BindState/BindVueElement on your creations and how it makes the experience more like homely b4a, b4j and b4i now
6. Any other issues and areas of improvement ie. constructive criticism.
In an attempt to bring you an enjoyable experience in creating your web apps, please tell us, how can we make it even a far reaching experience. Something you want to continue exploring?
Beginning BVAD3 WebApps?
For someone not having had started, BVAD3, if you could spend 10 minutes just watching this video, would it make sense? What could be changed and made better? Please note the "BindState" part of the video is no longer relevant. We will do an updated video soon.
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Mashy Teaches BANanoVuetifyAD3
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BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Powered by B4X + Vuetify + BANano
We want to make creating WebApps with BVAD3 easy and enjoyable, please tell us how, it matters.
If you have had the pleasure to work with BANanoVuetifyAD3, surely you have picked up how easy at times it is to use and probably enjoying using it. Yes its massive and the property bags rather large, but then you might have picked up the following:
1. The ease of completing some tasks.
2. The difficulties in understanding some concepts and applying them.
3. Lack of documentation
4. You abandoned it because you could not use it.
5. The impact of the now "hidden" BindState/BindVueElement on your creations and how it makes the experience more like homely b4a, b4j and b4i now
6. Any other issues and areas of improvement ie. constructive criticism.
In an attempt to bring you an enjoyable experience in creating your web apps, please tell us, how can we make it even a far reaching experience. Something you want to continue exploring?
Please pm me your response...
Beginning BVAD3 WebApps?
For someone not having had started, BVAD3, if you could spend 10 minutes just watching this video, would it make sense? What could be changed and made better? Please note the "BindState" part of the video is no longer relevant. We will do an updated video soon.
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Mashy Teaches BANanoVuetifyAD3
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[BANanoVuetifyAD3] Create Professional Looking Vuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano
Ola ************************************************** Feb 2024: BVAD3 RoadMap https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/bananovuetifyad3-2024-roadmap.159326/ ************************************************* Download Additional Libraries Download BANanoVuetifyAD3Core Library OR Download...
BANanoVuetifyAD3 - Powered by B4X + Vuetify + BANano