Android Question Barchart change line thickness

Colin Evans

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Longtime User
Hi, is it possible to change the thickness of the line shown in the barchart, if I change it to BAR everything is fine but change it to LINE and it's very difficult to see, I've looked through the properties but can't see anything, thanks


Licensed User
Longtime User
Unfortunately you don't give enough information.
Which barchart are you speaking of?
If you speaking of the xChart class then:
The BarChart doesn't have any line thickness!
If you want to create a LineChart you need:
- to select the LINE chart type.
- add the lines with AddLine2 where you can set the StrokeWidth, the line thickness.
- add the points with either AddLinePointData or AddLineMultiplePoints.

You should look at the CreateLineChart2Data routine in the xChartDemo program.
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