Hello Everyone, on Android, I send files to my server through an API passing the base64 of the image in the parameters, when I use the same API to send files via base64 on iOS, if the image is a screenshot, it works perfectly but if the image was taken by the camera and is saved in the gallery, the parameters are not sent
' Subroutine for testing the API and sending data
Sub api_teste(file As String)
' Debug log
' Display progress message
config.ProgressMensagemShow("Searching for specialties...")
' Initialize HttpJob for the request
Dim httpRequest As HttpJob
httpRequest.Initialize("", Me)
Dim postString As String = $"cpf=${B4XPages.MainPage.usuarioMAP.Get("cpfBeneficiario")}&empresa=1&matricula=${B4XPages.MainPage.usuarioMAP.Get("carteirinha")}&solicitacao=${tipoExame}&anexo=data:application/png;base64,${file}"$
httpRequest.PostString("https://localhost.com/api/agendamentoExame", postString)
httpRequest.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", B4XPages.MainPage.token)
' Wait for the request response
Wait For (httpRequest) JobDone(httpRequest As HttpJob)
' Check if the response was successful
If httpRequest.Response.StatusCode = 200 And httpRequest.Success Then
End If
' Release the HttpJob
' Hide the progress message
End Sub