Hello, I have a custom icon font created on fontello.com. While I can use this font without issues in CS Builder, I'm having trouble using it in BCTextengine. If you look at the attached image, you can better understand my problem.
What am I doing wrong?
CS Builder Code:
BCTextengine Code:
What am I doing wrong?
CS Builder Code:
cs.Alignment(Align).font( xui.CreateFont2(Font.CreateNew2(Main.FontIcon,FontSize),FontSize)).Color(Color).Append(Chr(0xe823)).popall
BCTextengine Code:
MyIconFont = xui.CreateFont(Font.CreateNew2(Main.FontIcon,62),62)
BBCodeView1.Text = _
$"[Alignment=Center][TextSize=30][b][Font=MyFont] My Header [/Font][/b][/TextSize][TextSize=30][b][Font=MyIconFont]${Chr(0xe823)}[/Font][/b][/TextSize][/Alignment]