But that doesn't work of course since the viewitems in the layout displayed in Main isn't decleared in Process_Globals...
How do I access them from the Codemodule??????
Main.btnDate doesn't exist in the codemodule...
Do I have to write millions of subs in Main that I call from the Codemodule passing the text that I want changed in the button, listview???
And another million subs to retrieve the information from the layout too....
And now... Subs in Activities are not public either...
So I need to create a custom type for every sub I need to call, fill it with my variables (yes, I would need 5-8 passed sometimes) then use CallSub2 with my type...
And I will also have to check that the activity really is active and not hidden by another app by the user...
I think I will abandon the slidingmenus and use a lot of activities instead. This method will increase my code with 200%...
Does anyone have a better solution than my last?
Maybe I should use many activities instead and setup a slidingmenu for each of them... Question is how does it look when changing activity?
I want to use
THIS slidingmenu...
I could use global variables or KeyValueStore to send information to the Codemodule but I'd still need to send things back to the layout.
Maybe I should put all my code in Main instead, the communication between Codemodule and the Layout gets too complicated.