Android Question Best way to create custom keyboard on the fly and work with CLV?


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I only need this to work in B4A with B4XPages.
I have a clv with a label and an edittext on each row
The clv will have maybe up to 10 rows with data extracted from one record in an sql.
Each record in the database has a field "Depths" which holds the keys that should be displayed on the keyboard for all edittexts.

I have looked at SD_CustomKeyboard and CustomKeyboard-Library
It appears SD-CustomKeyboard might be the easiest to go with.

In writing a sample app for this post I have already understood more and solved a couple of my issues but

How do I make and edittext active to the keyboard.
IE tap on an edittext and further input from the keyboard will go in there until I select a different edittext.


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and the answer is move "SD_Keyboard1.Add(ETCut,"ETCut",Ck,Null)" into the for loop

Thank you
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