it is a mistake to add them in code if that is your idea...but I do not want them in an external file or database to be loaded on program start
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim UseThisPoly() As Byte = Polywaffle(17) 'arbitrary example, could be any from 0..PollyWaffle.Length-1
Dim X As Double
For X = 4.56 To 7.89 Step 0.125
Log(X & " = " & CalcPoly(UseThisPoly, X))
End Sub
Sub CalcPoly(C() As Byte, X As Double) As Double
Dim Y As Double = 0
For I = 0 To C.Length - 1
Y = Y * X + C(I)
Return Y
End Sub
Sub InitPolyArray
Dim Polywaffle(100) As Object
Polywaffle(0) = Array As Byte(96 ,-71 ,-9 ,71 ,22 ,-116)
Polywaffle(1) = Array As Byte(64 ,52 ,36 ,65 ,30 ,45)
Polywaffle(2) = Array As Byte(-111 ,-89 ,-56 ,-104 ,-65 ,71)
Polywaffle(3) = Array As Byte(-75 ,98 ,-64 ,-72 ,33 ,12)
Polywaffle(4) = Array As Byte(118 ,42 ,14 ,-34 ,-55 ,107)
Polywaffle(5) = Array As Byte(9 ,-99 ,-93 ,49 ,-89 ,114)
Polywaffle(6) = Array As Byte(38 ,-43 ,-27 ,78 ,75 ,56)
Polywaffle(7) = Array As Byte(114 ,-13 ,33 ,-80 ,16 ,89)
Polywaffle(8) = Array As Byte(-114 ,-49 ,111 ,-51 ,59 ,118)
Polywaffle(9) = Array As Byte(88 ,-34 ,-62 ,-34 ,-3 ,43)
Polywaffle(10) = Array As Byte(70 ,102 ,58 ,52 ,-50 ,5)
Polywaffle(11) = Array As Byte(39 ,99 ,78 ,29 ,86 ,97)
Polywaffle(12) = Array As Byte(42 ,-112 ,27 ,-55 ,69 ,43)
Polywaffle(13) = Array As Byte(-58 ,36 ,-106 ,-83 ,44 ,-106)
Polywaffle(14) = Array As Byte(-8 ,18 ,-3 ,-77 ,69 ,115)
Polywaffle(15) = Array As Byte(84 ,117 ,106 ,100 ,15 ,-66)
Polywaffle(16) = Array As Byte(80 ,69 ,21 ,19 ,16 ,75)
Polywaffle(17) = Array As Byte(98 ,-12 ,84 ,40 ,-32 ,81)
Polywaffle(18) = Array As Byte(9 ,59 ,97 ,-50 ,-72 ,81)
Polywaffle(19) = Array As Byte(-72 ,-85 ,114 ,-2 ,73 ,-100)
Polywaffle(20) = Array As Byte(84 ,-96 ,-11 ,-70 ,-107 ,-5)
Polywaffle(21) = Array As Byte(-89 ,18 ,117 ,59 ,-46 ,-19)
Polywaffle(22) = Array As Byte(95 ,92 ,12 ,75 ,-41 ,48)
Polywaffle(23) = Array As Byte(93 ,-30 ,-31 ,29 ,-118 ,107)
Polywaffle(24) = Array As Byte(20 ,-87 ,98 ,109 ,-62 ,32)
Polywaffle(25) = Array As Byte(116 ,-103 ,-95 ,15 ,68 ,-33)
Polywaffle(26) = Array As Byte(98 ,-25 ,95 ,-52 ,62 ,-100)
Polywaffle(27) = Array As Byte(-118 ,-13 ,43 ,65 ,-33 ,65)
Polywaffle(28) = Array As Byte(22 ,-44 ,-99 ,43 ,17 ,-111)
Polywaffle(29) = Array As Byte(-44 ,27 ,53 ,104 ,-64 ,-58)
Polywaffle(30) = Array As Byte(69 ,-78 ,-43 ,34 ,99 ,31)
Polywaffle(31) = Array As Byte(-41 ,18 ,-27 ,22 ,-25 ,94)
Polywaffle(32) = Array As Byte(-75 ,109 ,-58 ,-95 ,-77 ,70)
Polywaffle(33) = Array As Byte(-21 ,-88 ,-103 ,80 ,112 ,103)
Polywaffle(34) = Array As Byte(19 ,98 ,-58 ,-12 ,108 ,85)
Polywaffle(35) = Array As Byte(-110 ,-59 ,20 ,64 ,-57 ,-67)
Polywaffle(36) = Array As Byte(-47 ,-117 ,29 ,-4 ,-21 ,-3)
Polywaffle(37) = Array As Byte(-96 ,-105 ,-61 ,-21 ,29 ,87)
Polywaffle(38) = Array As Byte(-44 ,-114 ,109 ,111 ,-6 ,-120)
Polywaffle(39) = Array As Byte(71 ,-59 ,-62 ,-115 ,-82 ,84)
Polywaffle(40) = Array As Byte(-53 ,23 ,-120 ,10 ,-94 ,-85)
Polywaffle(41) = Array As Byte(114 ,-86 ,-11 ,1 ,-59 ,84)
Polywaffle(42) = Array As Byte(46 ,87 ,-28 ,-74 ,48 ,44)
Polywaffle(43) = Array As Byte(-19 ,23 ,-91 ,-108 ,-90 ,42)
Polywaffle(44) = Array As Byte(-58 ,67 ,88 ,32 ,-57 ,48)
Polywaffle(45) = Array As Byte(73 ,83 ,-115 ,-70 ,6 ,62)
Polywaffle(46) = Array As Byte(-103 ,12 ,85 ,74 ,-1 ,80)
Polywaffle(47) = Array As Byte(-91 ,-31 ,109 ,-33 ,-45 ,81)
Polywaffle(48) = Array As Byte(-83 ,120 ,-108 ,-7 ,-76 ,-69)
Polywaffle(49) = Array As Byte(30 ,104 ,56 ,88 ,114 ,41)
Polywaffle(50) = Array As Byte(34 ,11 ,-113 ,-42 ,-93 ,-16)
Polywaffle(51) = Array As Byte(107 ,110 ,-14 ,49 ,-25 ,-6)
Polywaffle(52) = Array As Byte(94 ,80 ,88 ,35 ,81 ,48)
Polywaffle(53) = Array As Byte(-15 ,44 ,-10 ,18 ,-89 ,-39)
Polywaffle(54) = Array As Byte(-78 ,75 ,63 ,-85 ,92 ,-7)
Polywaffle(55) = Array As Byte(15 ,35 ,96 ,-83 ,-12 ,92)
Polywaffle(56) = Array As Byte(63 ,-38 ,30 ,56 ,70 ,8)
Polywaffle(57) = Array As Byte(27 ,16 ,-7 ,67 ,5 ,-115)
Polywaffle(58) = Array As Byte(-22 ,-12 ,13 ,45 ,-45 ,97)
Polywaffle(59) = Array As Byte(-69 ,-96 ,45 ,-85 ,92 ,-45)
Polywaffle(60) = Array As Byte(-12 ,-89 ,-42 ,120 ,-9 ,-9)
Polywaffle(61) = Array As Byte(-11 ,-15 ,-70 ,-76 ,-29 ,-56)
Polywaffle(62) = Array As Byte(91 ,-25 ,26 ,-11 ,-91 ,91)
Polywaffle(63) = Array As Byte(11 ,-31 ,-35 ,-81 ,-83 ,115)
Polywaffle(64) = Array As Byte(26 ,28 ,72 ,19 ,107 ,89)
Polywaffle(65) = Array As Byte(99 ,56 ,93 ,-32 ,53 ,-38)
Polywaffle(66) = Array As Byte(-41 ,-12 ,-82 ,71 ,-51 ,-23)
Polywaffle(67) = Array As Byte(95 ,54 ,77 ,-60 ,-4 ,-90)
Polywaffle(68) = Array As Byte(-90 ,71 ,114 ,22 ,114 ,-33)
Polywaffle(69) = Array As Byte(27 ,99 ,66 ,-1 ,89 ,-12)
Polywaffle(70) = Array As Byte(-50 ,101 ,112 ,46 ,69 ,17)
Polywaffle(71) = Array As Byte(-108 ,-89 ,-72 ,13 ,34 ,55)
Polywaffle(72) = Array As Byte(4 ,46 ,19 ,16 ,24 ,51)
Polywaffle(73) = Array As Byte(93 ,-49 ,-15 ,-43 ,-80 ,30)
Polywaffle(74) = Array As Byte(116 ,-97 ,-35 ,61 ,-59 ,106)
Polywaffle(75) = Array As Byte(-23 ,95 ,16 ,18 ,101 ,-69)
Polywaffle(76) = Array As Byte(-26 ,-65 ,71 ,60 ,43 ,63)
Polywaffle(77) = Array As Byte(-98 ,119 ,118 ,-63 ,-13 ,56)
Polywaffle(78) = Array As Byte(-73 ,-17 ,-54 ,26 ,6 ,105)
Polywaffle(79) = Array As Byte(-120 ,-49 ,32 ,-52 ,-57 ,-13)
Polywaffle(80) = Array As Byte(70 ,82 ,-12 ,-87 ,-89 ,-89)
Polywaffle(81) = Array As Byte(116 ,15 ,51 ,52 ,-91 ,-90)
Polywaffle(82) = Array As Byte(-43 ,-72 ,118 ,26 ,48 ,-38)
Polywaffle(83) = Array As Byte(-107 ,-13 ,1 ,35 ,-101 ,-80)
Polywaffle(84) = Array As Byte(-77 ,-47 ,34 ,-54 ,31 ,-113)
Polywaffle(85) = Array As Byte(99 ,71 ,-94 ,-17 ,24 ,50)
Polywaffle(86) = Array As Byte(-53 ,52 ,-33 ,103 ,-94 ,105)
Polywaffle(87) = Array As Byte(-90 ,27 ,-90 ,18 ,20 ,92)
Polywaffle(88) = Array As Byte(-32 ,7 ,16 ,38 ,42 ,96)
Polywaffle(89) = Array As Byte(69 ,-61 ,52 ,71 ,-88 ,73)
Polywaffle(90) = Array As Byte(-71 ,25 ,33 ,-55 ,-86 ,-106)
Polywaffle(91) = Array As Byte(87 ,59 ,45 ,44 ,-11 ,73)
Polywaffle(92) = Array As Byte(106 ,85 ,27 ,22 ,10 ,19)
Polywaffle(93) = Array As Byte(-54 ,16 ,-115 ,87 ,-25 ,-18)
Polywaffle(94) = Array As Byte(104 ,31 ,-52 ,17 ,-23 ,-23)
Polywaffle(95) = Array As Byte(20 ,75 ,95 ,43 ,89 ,-81)
Polywaffle(96) = Array As Byte(-6 ,-34 ,-29 ,64 ,-57 ,-45)
Polywaffle(97) = Array As Byte(-4 ,-56 ,47 ,-77 ,-117 ,34)
Polywaffle(98) = Array As Byte(29 ,-85 ,-71 ,-77 ,98 ,92)
Polywaffle(99) = Array As Byte(53 ,-98 ,-99 ,-99 ,-37 ,28)
End Sub
Logger connected to: TCL 5009A
--------- beginning of main
*** Service (starter) Create ***
--------- beginning of system
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
4.56 = 196762.3231054847
4.685 = 224860.08661963238
4.81 = 256096.95746420973
4.935 = 290730.13793511514
5.06 = 329030.5699766847
5.185 = 371283.29406841035
5.31 = 417787.8081116596
5.435 = 468858.42631639325
5.56 = 524824.6380878846
5.685 = 586031.4669134385
5.81 = 652839.8292491096
5.935 = 725626.8934064213
6.06 = 804786.4384390847
6.185 = 890729.2130297166
6.31 = 983883.2943765597
6.435 = 1084694.4470801994
6.56 = 1193626.4820302846
6.685 = 1311161.6152922448
6.81 = 1437800.8269940093
6.935 = 1574064.2202127273
7.06 = 1720491.3798614843
7.185 = 1877641.7315760225
7.31 = 2046094.9006014592
7.435 = 2226451.0706790057
7.56 = 2419331.342932685
7.685 = 2625378.0947560505
7.81 = 2845255.3386989096
** Activity (main) Resume **
Hang on... one 2D array, or many 2D arrays?They will be broken down into multiple subsets ... I just need a series of 2D arrays containing integers ... I just need to get it into a 2D array.
Thank you for all the effort you have put into this. I find your solution extremely elegant. An array of byte arrays will fill my requirements perfectly, and the use of Excel to add the necessary strings a master stroke!Hang on... one 2D array, or many 2D arrays?
Could you post a dummy (but realistic) sample with multiple (eg, 2 or 3) subsets and polynomials? Perhaps I have gone down the wrong trail.
Interesting! I wrote a very primitive, inexact and smaller version of what I wish to do now - about 35 years ago! Then I had to fit it into an HP75C with 32K total memory (24k + 8k RAM). In that case I used single characters in a continuous string, where the character with ascii value 100 represented 0, and characters higher or lower represented positive or negative values respectively. These strings were declared as DATA 'zxertygunjimk' and followed by a READ statement. It worked! It has bugged me for years that I couldn't do the job properly, but now I am in semi-retirement I have the time to it right!Excel formula to translate numbers to double-letters, eg number in cell B2968:
No min/max value checking, though, so perhaps run a MIN() and MAX() over your Excel data ranges to make sure it's all within -338 to 337. Although it'll probably still work for larger/smaller values, but with the leading character outside of A..Z
With experience like that, this should be a relaxing stroll in the park.Then I had to fit it into an HP75C with 32K total memory (24k + 8k RAM).
The byte storage for arrays is efficient, it's the initializing byte arrays using Array As Byte(data) that takes more of the limited 64kB-per-method code space than expected, eg, these lines in B4A:I am surprised that byte storage is not particularly efficient
Dim Polywaffle() As Object = Array As Object( _
Array As Byte(96 ,-71 ,-9 ,71 ,22 ,-116), _
Array As Byte(64 ,52 ,36 ,65 ,30 ,45), _
Array As Byte(-111 ,-89 ,-56 ,-104 ,-65 ,71), _
main._polywaffle = RemoteObject.createNewArray("Object",new int[] {476},new Object[] {
(RemoteObject.createNewArray("byte",new int[] {6},new Object[] {
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 96),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, -(double) (0 + 71)),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, -(double) (0 + 9)),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 71),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 22),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, -(double) (0 + 116))
(RemoteObject.createNewArray("byte",new int[] {6},new Object[] {
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 64),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 52),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 36),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 65),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 30),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 45)
(RemoteObject.createNewArray("byte",new int[] {6},new Object[] {
BA.numberCast(byte.class, -(double) (0 + 111)),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, -(double) (0 + 89)),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, -(double) (0 + 56)),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, -(double) (0 + 104)),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, -(double) (0 + 65)),
BA.numberCast(byte.class, 71)
If that worked before, then use that. Avoid the first 32 characters (control characters) and perhaps character 127 (delete), but that still leaves you 223 character values to use for representing the 201 coefficient values you need. Heaps easy! Perhaps even skip character 32 (space) also, so that you don't need worry about spurious trailing spaces screwing up your data alignment, and you could also then use spaces to separate the polynomial data for visual confirmation.perhaps try to implement my old ascii method
It is only readable numbers and commas in the source code - once it gets compiled to Java bytecode, it is not at all obvious. Although it can be decompiled to something vaguely readable. If you use the small-integers-encoded-to-ascii-characters, then things will be harder for somebody to work out wtf is going on, and certainly no worse than to have the same string in a file.there will be a much larger series of data - strings of numbers and commas - sitting in the code
The prospect of that being true (again) just drives me even more to:I fear @DonManfred is right again - as you mentioned earlier!
The issue is not just data security - it is also how to get the data into the program, but you are right about the requirements for obfuscation. I enjoy writing obfuscation algorithms, and some of the are very mean indeed. What would you make of the entirety of Hamlet's soliloquy imbedded in a string, which was then read into meaningless substrings at various places?If I understand the problem correctly: Saving your data in a file is a good approach (like DonManfred suggested)- but you worry about data safety.
Here is how i tackled this:
Create an algorithm to change (obfuscate or encrypt) your initial data and then save them to a file (SQLite is OK).
The algorithm can be very simple (e.g. adding or multiplying with a constant or a variable like record number) or complex, it is really up to you. But, in the end, the data saved in the file will be of no use to anyone in their saved form.
You can even add "salt", like adding dummy records (e.g. every 3rd record can be a dummy).
Then, in your program, write an algorithm to read the correct records (i.e. avoid dummy records) and then "decrypt" your data.
In this way, only your program will be able to get the correct values from the file.
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