[Beta] RSAndEngine - Beta testers/Sample writers needed


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I'm going thru and trying to convert the AndEngine Examples from the "normal" AndEngine install (similar the one available on the market), and just to make sure I didn't miss it.. there is no Line Primitive? (Simple->Drawing Lines from the AE examples app)

Also, for the Drawing Rectangles example, no RectangleGroup Entity either? Not a big deal, except (I believe) when I get to the Post-Processing->Motion Streak example (not from the Market, but the newest available examples), it would make the setup a lot easier.



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I'm going thru and trying to convert the AndEngine Examples from the "normal" AndEngine install (similar the one available on the market), and just to make sure I didn't miss it.. there is no Line Primitive? (Simple->Drawing Lines from the AE examples app)

Also, for the Drawing Rectangles example, no RectangleGroup Entity either? Not a big deal, except (I believe) when I get to the Post-Processing->Motion Streak example (not from the Market, but the newest available examples), it would make the setup a lot easier.


Hi Ross

Thanks for your comment.
For me, it is very hard to wrap every class to RSAndEngine.
I might forget a couple of important aspects like indeed the Line primitive.

I'll add the Line entity and other primitive entities to RSAndEngine in version 1.05.



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Version 1.04 is online!

Version 1.04 supports TMX tiles!

TMX (Tile Map XML) is a XML based format, that is mainly human readable but still has very small file-sizes. The biggest plus of the TMX format is that it has a fully featured and easy to use cross-platform Map-Editor called “Tiled”, which can be obtained for free here: Tiled Map Editor

The TMX map format used by Tiled is a flexible way to describe a tile based map. It can describe maps with any tile size, any amount of layers, any number of tile sets and it allows custom properties to be set on most elements. Beside tile layers, it can also contain groups of objects that can be placed freely.

V1.04 - Current version
  • Bug fixes
  • TMX Tiled maps:
  • - AndTMXLoader
  • - AndTMXTiledMap
  • - AndTMXTile
  • - AndTMXLayer
  • - AndTMXTileProperties
  • Animation listeners
  • More animation methods
  • Path & PathModifier
  • AlgorithmPath
  • IUpdateHandler
  • PhysicsHandler
  • Player class
  • New events:
  • - _Started



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Hi Ross

Thanks for your comment.
For me, it is very hard to wrap every class to RSAndEngine.
I might forget a couple of important aspects like indeed the Line primitive.

I'll add the Line entity and other primitive entities to RSAndEngine in version 1.05.


Tomas, completely understand, it's huge! I'll just go down the list of examples, as that seems to be the way that many on the forums refer to as "the documentation" for AndEngine (along with other examples posted), which does make a bit of sense to me...

Now as far as what you would like to see released, I can post the sample code (sans library) along with the apk(s) of the samples I convert. That way people can get an idea of what the coding entails, or just the apk(s)?



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for AndBackground, the initialize method will only accept int, but it is either an off/on situation for r,g,b. The setColor method works perfect for float values, but not sure if the initialize method is a feature or not :)

Also, in 1.04, the back button no longer functions, was this desired feature?



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Tomas, completely understand, it's huge! I'll just go down the list of examples, as that seems to be the way that many on the forums refer to as "the documentation" for AndEngine (along with other examples posted), which does make a bit of sense to me...

Now as far as what you would like to see released, I can post the sample code (sans library) along with the apk(s) of the samples I convert. That way people can get an idea of what the coding entails, or just the apk(s)?


Sure, that was what i was looking for.
People who could write samples to showcase RSAndEngine and it's capacities.
You can both share the apk and the sample on the main thread. it will be released soon.


for AndBackground, the initialize method will only accept int, but it is either an off/on situation for r,g,b. The setColor method works perfect for float values, but not sure if the initialize method is a feature or not :)

Also, in 1.04, the back button no longer functions, was this desired feature?


1. It will be fixed in 1.5

2. I forgot to remove this in SimpleBaseGameActivity. it should be fixed in V1.5. (Still it's prefered to use BaseGameActivity rather then SimpleBaseGame for Basic4Android Games)



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copy. Will go with BaseGameActivity (I was just trying to translate them as written in Eclipse)

On that, do not see any Alt-Tab for auto-fill of events, so not sure exactly what it is, but I cannot get:

Sub Scene_AreaTouched (Action As Int, LocalX As Float, LocalY As Float)
End Sub

to fire.

When I use SimpleGame, if I do:

'Add a touch listener for the scene

both of those work, but only get

Sub Scene_SceneTouched (Scen As Object, Action As Int)
   If sprFace.IsInitialized Then
      sprFace = Null
   End If

End Sub

to fire. (If I use only one of them (either one) they both cause that listener to get fired)

and when I use BaseGameActivity

If I use

Scene.setOnAreaTouchListener, then nothing gets fired

If I use

Scene.setOnSceneTouchListener, then I do get

Sub Scene_SceneTouched (Scen As Object, Action As Int)
   If sprFace.IsInitialized Then
      sprFace = Null
   End If

End Sub

to fire



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PhysicsHandler strangeness


attached is my "slow" progress so far, with the default runner of the "a moving ball example" (GameServiceMovingBallExample)

Two Things with this one:

1. I think I have it registered with the Scene properly, but I can't get the PhysicsHandler to fire the OnUpdate method. To get around that, I added the AndTimerHandler and use its TimePassed call to check position going around the box.

2. Not sure if not using the actual PhysicsHandler update (which might be why), but every so often, the sprite manages to get "past" the actual limit, and starts to "tunnel" lock with the wall test.


P.S. Posting these as I find them. If you would prefer, I can save them all up till my end of day?


  • debugSample.zip
    26.6 KB · Views: 263
Last edited:


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AndEngine Examples

Hi NFOboy, i have been doing the same thing, i have been trying to go through the original andengine examples, particularly the physics examples.

I was wondering if you've had a chance to play with those yet, currently i'm working on the example where the user touches anywhere on the screen an animated sprite gets created and falls to the floor.

My problem is that when a few objects have been created then the app re-starts all over, i do not get any errors, the problems happens very randomly sometimes with only 3 or 4 objects created the app re-starts, other times you can create 30 to 40 objects and the app re-starts, for some reason i can not pin point where the problem is, if you ever come across this same issue let me know, maybe if we put our brains together we can figure this out.

As far as your post, I also had the same issue with the SceneTouch Events.
I talked to Thomas and he adviced me to do the following.
if you have a sprite that you registered to receive the touchEvent then the

Sub Scene_SceneTouched (Scen As Object, Action As Int)

End Sub

and the
Sub Scene_AreaTouched (Action As Int, LocalX As Float, LocalY As Float) 
End Sub

will not work, the reason is very obvious, that you have the sprite registered to receive the touchevents, so in order to be able to use the above events you need to unregister the sprite that is receiving the Touch Events.

Hope this helps.



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I'd like the zip to try it too/look at some writing, please. AndEngine looks cool.
Cheers - Paul


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I would like to try it. Any room for another tester?

Kind regards


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I'll do that one today, to see if I get similar erros.

For this:

will not work, the reason is very obvious, that you have the sprite registered to receive the touchevents, so in order to be able to use the above events you need to unregister the sprite that is receiving the Touch Events.

I didn't register any sprites to handle any touch events (they are the basic Scene handles anything/everything type of mode)

Did you ever get the PhysicsHandler _Update method to fire?

Last edited:


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Similar issue as Walter?

Attached is my translation of the PhysicsExample from AndEngine Examples.

I did indeed get errors when attempting to add sprites to the mix (random occurence, between 4 and ???? based on how how fast I try to add them).

On my S3 I get a fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)


elivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
GC_EXPLICIT freed 47K, 22% free 12577K/16007K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 28ms
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Build fingerprint: 'samsung/m0du/m0:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9300TDUEMB1:user/release-keys'
pid: 21155, tid: 21155, name: b4a.example  >>> b4a.example <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad

Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.5305 ]
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=]

Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
    r0 00000027  r1 deadbaad  r2 400c1b0c  r3 00000000

    r4 00000000  r5 be81c424  r6 00000000  r7 4139db78
    r8 be81c4d4  r9 4139db64  sl 413c52e0  fp be81c4ec
    ip 00004000  sp be81c420  lr 40093c65  pc 400902fe  cpsr 60000030
    d0  000000003c8efa35  d1  4059000000000000
    d2  4055800000000000  d3  0000000000000001
    d4  0000000000000000  d5  0000000144a00000
    d6  c2c800003f800000  d7  0000000900000000
    d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000
    d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
    d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
    d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
    d16 4036a09e667f3bcd  d17 4080000000000000
    d18 0000000000000000  d19 4018f40b5ed9812d
    d20 0000000000000000  d21 3ff0000000000000
    d22 8000000000000000  d23 0000000000000000
    d24 0000000000000000  d25 8000000000000000
    d26 3ff0000000000000  d27 0100010001000100
    d28 0100010001000100  d29 0100010001000100
    d30 0100000001000000  d31 0100000000000000
    scr 60000011

    #00  pc 000182fe  /system/lib/libc.so
    #01  pc 0000dc04  /system/lib/libc.so (abort+4)
    #02  pc 0001f0bf  /system/lib/libc.so (__assert2+30)
    #03  pc 0002e600  /data/data/b4a.example/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so (b2Body::SetTransform(b2Vec2 const&, float, bool)+92)
    #04  pc 0002e598  /data/data/b4a.example/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so (b2Body::SetTransform(b2Vec2 const&, float)+36)
    #05  pc 00014f0c  /data/data/b4a.example/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so (Java_com_badlogic_gdx_physics_box2d_Body_jniSetTransform__JFFF+64)
    #06  pc 0001deb0  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
    #07  pc 0004d103  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394)
    #08  pc 000272e0  /system/lib/libdvm.so
    #09  pc 0002bbe8  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
    #10  pc 0005fb37  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInvokeMethod(Object*, Method const*, ArrayObject*, ArrayObject*, ClassObject*, bool)+374)
    #11  pc 000670e5  /system/lib/libdvm.so
    #12  pc 000272e0  /system/lib/libdvm.so
    #13  pc 0002bbe8  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
    #14  pc 0005fb37  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInvokeMethod(Object*, Method const*, ArrayObject*, ArrayObject*, ClassObject*, bool)+374)
    #15  pc 000670e5  /system/lib/libdvm.so
    #16  pc 000272e0  /system/lib/libdvm.so
    #17  pc 0002bbe8  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
    #18  pc 0005f871  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+272)
    #19  pc 000496f3  /system/lib/libdvm.so
    #20  pc 0004c571  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
    #21  pc 0004d6d3  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, char const*)+390)
    #22  pc 00000dcf  /system/bin/app_process

         be81c3e0  be81c428  [stack]
         be81c3e4  12d0c115  
         be81c3e8  5d6e40c8  
         be81c3ec  00000000  
         be81c3f0  00000000  
         be81c3f4  00000000  
         be81c3f8  400bc774  /system/lib/libc.so
         be81c3fc  400c1d10  
         be81c400  00000000  
         be81c404  40093c65  /system/lib/libc.so (_fwalk+32)
         be81c408  00000001  
         be81c40c  be81c424  [stack]
         be81c410  00000000  
         be81c414  4139db78  
         be81c418  df0027ad  
         be81c41c  00000000  
    #00  be81c420  5ee89ab8  /data/data/b4a.example/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
         be81c424  fffffbdf  
         be81c428  400b2ecc  /system/lib/libc.so
         be81c42c  00000000  
         be81c430  4139db78  
         be81c434  400931d1  /system/lib/libc.so (fprintf+16)
         be81c438  400bc718  /system/lib/libc.so
         be81c43c  5ee89ab8  /data/data/b4a.example/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
         be81c440  400b2ecc  /system/lib/libc.so
         be81c444  40085c08  /system/lib/libc.so (__pthread_clone)
    #01  be81c448  be81c448  [stack]
         be81c44c  400970c3  /system/lib/libc.so (__assert2+34)
    #02  be81c450  00000199  
         be81c454  5ee89ef8  /data/data/b4a.example/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
         be81c458  5ee89ef8  /data/data/b4a.example/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
         be81c45c  5ee60604  /data/data/b4a.example/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so (b2Body::SetTransform(b2Vec2 const&, float, bool)+96)

memory near r2:
    400c1aec 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
    400c1afc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
    400c1b0c 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
    400c1b1c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
    400c1b2c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................

memory near r5:
    be81c404 40093c65 00000001 be81c424 00000000  e<.@....$.......
    be81c414 4139db78 df0027ad 00000000 5ee89ab8  x.9A.'.........^
    be81c424 fffffbdf 400b2ecc 00000000 4139db78  .......@....x.9A
Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.5306 ]
    be81c434 400931d1 400bc718 5ee89ab8 400b2ecc  .1.@...@...^...@

    be81c444 40085c08 be81c448 400970c3 00000199  .\.@H....p.@....
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0

memory near r7:
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
    4139db58 00000006 00000000 f8b00019 5d6e4088  .............@n]
    4139db68 00000000 40f10000 40e90000 00000000  .......@...@....
    4139db78 4139dbc4 5d0c3a50 570c21d8 5d08f0a0  ..9AP:.].!.W...]
    4139db88 00000000 42089910 5d6e4088 00000000  .......B.@n]....
    4139db98 40f10000 40e90000 00000000 42089910  ...@...@.......B

memory near r8:
    be81c4b4 5d6e4088 40f10000 40e90000 42089910  .@n]...@...@...B
    be81c4c4 40837eb4 40f10000 40e90000 00000000  .~.@...@...@....
    be81c4d4 40862a83 4139db60 00000001 42089910  .*.@`.9A.......B
    be81c4e4 00000000 4201b528 40867107 4139db60  ....(..B.q.@`.9A
    be81c4f4 5d125c97 5ee46ecc 413c52e0 00000000  .\.].n.^.R<A....

memory near r9:
    4139db44 4201c180 4139dbc4 4139db8c 5d08f0a0  ...B..9A..9A...]
    4139db54 570c14e8 00000006 00000000 f8b00019  ...W............
    4139db64 5d6e4088 00000000 40f10000 40e90000  .@n].......@...@
    4139db74 00000000 4139dbc4 5d0c3a50 570c21d8  ......9AP:.].!.W
    4139db84 5d08f0a0 00000000 42089910 5d6e4088  ...].......B.@n]

memory near sl:
    413c52c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000453  ............S...
    413c52d0 5d0962ae 4139db60 570c21d8 5a8a4000  .b.]`.9A.!.W.@.Z
    413c52e0 00000000 4036a09e be81c600 00000000  ......6@........
    413c52f0 be81c634 00000001 00000000 40838040  4...........@..@
    413c5300 00000000 00000000 4085e770 41398300  ........p..@..9A

memory near fp:
    be81c4cc 40e90000 00000000 40862a83 4139db60  ...@.....*.@`.9A
    be81c4dc 00000001 42089910 00000000 4201b528  .......B....(..B
    be81c4ec 40867107 4139db60 5d125c97 5ee46ecc  .q.@`.9A.\.].n.^
    be81c4fc 413c52e0 00000000 00000000 00000000  .R<A............
    be81c50c 400c8a6c 00000001 57e07d18 4139d9b8  l..@.....}.W..9A

memory near ip:
    00003fe0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
    00003ff0 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
    00004000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
    00004010 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................
    00004020 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff  ................

memory near sp:
    be81c400 00000000 40093c65 00000001 be81c424  ....e<.@....$...
    be81c410 00000000 4139db78 df0027ad 00000000  ....x.9A.'......
    be81c420 5ee89ab8 fffffbdf 400b2ecc 00000000  ...^.......@....
    be81c430 4139db78 400931d1 400bc718 5ee89ab8  x.9A.1.@...@...^
    be81c440 400b2ecc 40085c08 be81c448 400970c3  ...@.\.@H....p.@

code around pc:
    400902dc e000b164 6823461c d1fb2b00 68e3e026  d....F#h.+..&..h
    400902ec 4a17b123 447a2401 47986014 20274911  #..J.$zD.`.G.I' 
    400902fc 70082400 ebb2f7f4 f7f52106 a902ecf2  .$.p.....!......
    4009030c f04f2006 460a5380 94029304 f7f59403  . O..S.F........
    4009031c 4629e8d0 20024622 e8d8f7f5 eb9ef7f4  ..)F"F. ........

code around lr:
    40093c44 41f0e92d 4c0b2600 447c4680 68a56824  -..A.&.L.F|D$h.h
    40093c54 e0076867 300cf9b5 dd022b00 47c04628  gh.....0.+..(F.G
    40093c64 35544306 d5f53f01 2c006824 4630d1ef  .CT5.?..$h.,..0F
    40093c74 81f0e8bd 000288b2 43f0e92d fb01461f  ........-..C.F..
    40093c84 f8dff602 b0878058 44f8460c 8000f8d8  ....X....F.D....

memory map around fault addr deadbaad:
    be7fc000-be81d000 [stack]
    (no map for address)
    ffff0000-ffff1000 [vectors]
Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=]
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
!@dumpstate -k -t -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_app_native -m 21155

Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_05 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.5307 ]
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=]

Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x1
GC_CONCURRENT freed 1655K, 42% free 36147K/61639K, paused 17ms+10ms, total 136ms


Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.5308 ]
Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=]

Thinking maybe my memory could have an issue, I try it on my SL running 2.3.4 and I don't get any messages, but the application does lock up after between 10 and 14 sprites are added. (Nothing on the logcat in Eclipse that I could see either)

So cannot point to any logcat for SL.

I do run the same sample from AndEngine, and both devices work well. I don't see anything in the original about locking the engine, etc when adding a Sprite, so not sure what I could do different in the B4A code to keep the error from occurring.



  • debugSample.zip
    144.4 KB · Views: 255


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Longtime User
AndEngine Examples

Hi there, that is exactly the problem i'm having, i gave the apk file to a few people today just to confirm that it wasn't my device that was causing this issue, and they all confirmed to have the same issue on their devices.

I ran your example and yes i do get the same error as you, I really hope that Tomas gets a chance to look into this, otherwise this library is limited to only a few things, the game i have in mind needs to be able to add several objects but with this issue i won't be able to use AndEngine, which is a shame because I love AndEngine but i suck at Java so i was really excited when Tomas decided to wrap this library.

Anyhow let me know if you find a solution to this problem on your end, i have spent the last 3 days researching about this issue, and the only thread i was able to find was this Android AndEngine problem with touch events - Stack Overflow

Here Nicholas the developer of AndEngine answers saying this

Do not touch a Physics-"Body" inside of a TouchEvent. UI-Thread and UpdateThread hate working at the same time!

but this answer doesn't make sense either because as you mentioned the original example works just fine, Argggg i just wish i could find a solution to this, it is driving crazy.

Keep me in the loop and I will do the same if i find anything.



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If you are able to even get to the point of running the samples from AndEngine, them I'm sure you don't "suck" at java... just prefer the comfort of B4A like me! :)

I hope Tomas is successful at finding a solution as well, as I do like the B4A coding more than java, and this would be a great library for us, especially if it runs as fast/smooth as the java compilation.



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attached is my "slow" progress so far, with the default runner of the "a moving ball example" (GameServiceMovingBallExample)

Two Things with this one:

1. I think I have it registered with the Scene properly, but I can't get the PhysicsHandler to fire the OnUpdate method. To get around that, I added the AndTimerHandler and use its TimePassed call to check position going around the box.

2. Not sure if not using the actual PhysicsHandler update (which might be why), but every so often, the sprite manages to get "past" the actual limit, and starts to "tunnel" lock with the wall test.


P.S. Posting these as I find them. If you would prefer, I can save them all up till my end of day?

1. I haven't added the Update method to the physicshandler.
This is because i followed a tutorial, but i couldn't find a lot of information about physicshandler. Is there a way you can show me some information about the physicshandler _update event?

2. Can you explain what you mean?


I'll do that one today, to see if I get similar erros.

For this:

I didn't register any sprites to handle any touch events (they are the basic Scene handles anything/everything type of mode)

Did you ever get the PhysicsHandler _Update method to fire?


What walter meant was that if you have a sprite covering the scene, that that sprite will receive the touch events rather then the scene.

I hope Tomas is successful at finding a solution as well, as I do like the B4A coding more than java, and this would be a great library for us, especially if it runs as fast/smooth as the java compilation.


I'll try to find a solution to it and i might contact the AndEngine author.
Ross and Walter, is it possible to both post the logs until you receive the "bug/error"?

At all, i'm not looking for any more beta testers.



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Longtime User
AndEngine Examples

Hey Tomas, here is the logs i get when the app re-starts

GC_EXPLICIT freed 176K, 30% free 12271K/17351K, external 5092K/5476K, paused 154ms

org.andengine.input.touch.TouchEvent$TouchEventPool<TouchEvent> was exhausted, with 0 item not yet recycled. Allocated 1 more.

org.andengine.util.adt.pool.PoolUpdateHandler$1<TouchEventRunnablePoolItem> was exhausted, with 0 item not yet recycled. Allocated 1 more.
LCD: SENSOR, 25 * 1.00 => 25

LCD: SENSOR, 30 * 1.00 => 30

LCD: SENSOR, 36 * 1.00 => 36

LCD: SENSOR, 41 * 1.00 => 41

GC_EXPLICIT freed 168K, 65% free 3126K/8711K, external 2357K/2944K, paused 26ms
LCD: SENSOR, 46 * 1.00 => 46

LCD: SENSOR, 51 * 1.00 => 51

NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UDEV_LOG' not found
ignoring non-kernel netlink multicast message
Filtering udevd generated netlink event
LCD: SENSOR, 57 * 1.00 => 57

LCD: SENSOR, 62 * 1.00 => 62

LCD: SENSOR, 67 * 1.00 => 67

LCD: SENSOR, 73 * 1.00 => 73

LCD: SENSOR, 78 * 1.00 => 78

LCD: SENSOR, 84 * 1.00 => 84

LCD: SENSOR, 89 * 1.00 => 89

LCD: SENSOR, 94 * 1.00 => 94

LCD: SENSOR, 100 * 1.00 => 100

GC_EXPLICIT freed 66K, 65% free 3124K/8711K, external 2357K/2944K, paused 41ms

org.andengine.input.touch.TouchEvent$TouchEventPool<TouchEvent> was exhausted, with 1 item not yet recycled. Allocated 1 more.
org.andengine.util.adt.pool.PoolUpdateHandler$1<TouchEventRunnablePoolItem> was exhausted, with 1 item not yet recycled. Allocated 1 more.
GC_EXPLICIT freed 108K, 65% free 3081K/8711K, external 2357K/2944K, paused 42ms

GC_EXPLICIT freed 63K, 65% free 3081K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 42ms

GC_EXPLICIT freed 80K, 65% free 3083K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 42ms

No longer want com.motorola.dock.service (pid 22425): hidden #21

Scheduling restart of crashed service com.motorola.dock.service/.DockService in 5000ms

WebtopStatusHandler Time change action: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
WebtopStatusHandler xxxxxxx Date long format=Tuesday, July 16, 2013
GC_EXPLICIT freed 82K, 65% free 3085K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 42ms

NVRM_DAEMON(479): queue_dispatch_thread() running

NVRM_DAEMON(479): queue_dispatch_thread() running
GC_EXPLICIT freed 102K, 65% free 3087K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 41ms

Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }

Calling cancelLocationUpdate

Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate

Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate

Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }

Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate

Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Broadcast received Intent { act=com.motorola.blur.weather.LOCATION_UPDATE_GUARD flg=0x4 (has extras) }
Calling cancelLocationUpdate
Applications list changed, recalculating supported actions

FWService onCreate

FWService : onStart() intent[com.mportal.twcframework.fwservice] But app is not running so service stopping itself.

FWService onDestroy
Received unexcepted broadcast: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED

GC_EXPLICIT freed 107K, 65% free 3089K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 25ms

waiting to render 0x2dbf8

waiting to render 0x1d47d8
waiting to render 0x232988
waiting to render 0x2ed1d8
waiting to render 0xbc2f0
waiting to render 0x28f610

GC_EXPLICIT freed 210K, 65% free 3091K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 45ms
GC_EXPLICIT freed 129K, 65% free 3093K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 42ms

Start proc com.motorola.dock.service for service com.motorola.dock.service/.DockService: pid=25064 uid=10033 gids={}

Pub com.motorola.dock: com.motorola.dock.service.provider.DockProfileProvider


battery change detected
setChargingByAC false, at Tue Jul 16 09:17:05 PDT 2013
out dock
detect NOT charged by AC
GC_EXPLICIT freed 159K, 65% free 3095K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 39ms

GC_EXPLICIT freed 153K, 65% free 3097K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 37ms

GC_CONCURRENT freed 254K, 43% free 4530K/7943K, external 2357K/2773K, paused 2ms+3ms

[1] 5.onFinished: Installation state replication succeeded.

GC_EXPLICIT freed 175K, 65% free 3099K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 25ms

GC_EXPLICIT freed 192K, 65% free 3102K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 29ms

GC_EXPLICIT freed 200K, 65% free 3105K/8711K, external 2358K/2944K, paused 39ms

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Build fingerprint: 'sprint/moto_sunfire/sunfire:2.3.4/4.5.1A-1_SUN-198_6/CM:user/release-keys'
pid: 25016, tid: 25016 >>> com.genesis.rsandenginephysics <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad
r0 00000027 r1 deadbaad r2 a0000000 r3 00000000
r4 00000001 r5 beb5304c r6 beb531b0 r7 42bb59e4
r8 beb53124 r9 42bb59a0 10 42bb5988 fp 00000006
ip afd466c8 sp beb53038 lr afd19491 pc afd15f5e cpsr 20000030
d0 4200000040f00000 d1 4134b4b53e700000
d2 3e20a0a13e088889 d3 43fa978f4387afca
d4 0000000f41700000 d5 3fe62e42fee00000
d6 0000000000000000 d7 3fc90fda00000000
d8 0000000043fa978f d9 000000004384aa52
d10 4386dcd8405a5140 d11 000000004386dcd8
d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
scr 60000012

#00 pc 00015f5e /system/lib/libc.so

#01 pc 0001cbd4 /system/lib/libc.so
#02 pc 00033734 /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
#03 pc 00019aa0 /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
#04 pc 00011e74 /system/lib/libdvm.so

code around pc:
afd15f3c 4623b16c 2c006824 e028d1fb b13368db
afd15f4c c064f8df 44fc2401 4000f8cc 49124798
afd15f5c 70082027 f7f52500 2106eb4e ecb2f7f6
afd15f6c 2006a901 f04f460a 95015380 95029303
afd15f7c e810f7f6 462aa905 f7f62002 f7f5e81c

code around lr:
afd19470 41f0e92d 4a0d4b0c 4680447b 2600589c
afd19480 686768a5 f9b5e006 b113300c 47c04628
afd19490 35544306 37fff117 6824d5f5 d1ef2c00
afd194a0 e8bd4630 bf0081f0 000280e8 ffffff88
afd194b0 fb01b570 b086f602 9004460c a804a901

beb52ff8 afd426c4
beb52ffc 000ae908
beb53000 00000015
beb53004 afd18559 /system/lib/libc.so
beb53008 afd4276c
beb5300c afd42718
beb53010 00000000
beb53014 afd19491 /system/lib/libc.so
beb53018 00000001
beb5301c beb5304c
beb53020 beb531b0
beb53024 42bb59e4
beb53028 beb53124
beb5302c afd187b3 /system/lib/libc.so
beb53030 df002777
beb53034 e3a070ad
#00 beb53038 42bb59a0
beb5303c 42bb5988
beb53040 00000006
beb53044 afd18ad9 /system/lib/libc.so
beb53048 afd42718
beb5304c fffffbdf
beb53050 afd1cbd5 /system/lib/libc.so
beb53054 afd3b1f9 /system/lib/libc.so
beb53058 82558ab0 /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
beb5305c afd1cbd9 /system/lib/libc.so
#01 beb53060 0000006d
beb53064 82559078 /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
beb53068 82559078 /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
beb5306c beb53148
beb53070 00000003
beb53074 82533738 /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so
evdo dbmLevel: 6, snrLevel: 5

evdo dbmLevel: 6, snrLevel: 5

Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

Process 25016 terminated by signal (11)

channel '40c80848 com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics.main (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x8
channel '40c80848 com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics.main (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 942K, 29% free 12436K/17351K, external 5092K/5476K, paused 115ms

Grow heap (frag case) to 19.614MB for 165776-byte allocation
GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 12K, 29% free 12586K/17543K, external 5092K/5476K, paused 91ms

WIN DEATH: Window{40c80848 com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics.main paused=false}
GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 233K, 30% free 12433K/17543K, external 5092K/5476K, paused 92ms

Received spurious receive callback for unknown input channel. fd=364, events=0x8
Dropping event because there is no touched window or focused application.

Process com.genesis.rsandenginephysics (pid 25016) has died.
WIN DEATH: Window{4108e148 com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/com.rootsoft.rsandengine.RSBaseGameActivity paused=false}
WIN DEATH: Window{40e87b18 SurfaceView paused=false}
Scheduling restart of crashed service com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/.gameservice in 5000ms
Dropping event because there is no touched window or focused application.
Start proc com.genesis.rsandenginephysics for activity com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/.main: pid=25077 uid=10165 gids={3003, 3002, 1015, 3001}
GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 93K, 47% free 2867K/5379K, external 2763K/2773K, paused 27ms

Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4082f818 (uid=10165 pid=25077)

Client not active, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@40dd8aa8
Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 25016 uid 10165

Displayed com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/.main: +470ms

NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UDEV_LOG' not found

ignoring non-kernel netlink multicast message
Filtering udevd generated netlink event

GC_CONCURRENT freed 1886K, 61% free 2865K/7175K, external 3072K/3638K, paused 1ms+2ms

** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **

** Activity (main) Resume **
** Service (gameservice) Create **

** Service (gameservice) Start **

Starting: Intent { flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/com.rootsoft.rsandengine.RSBaseGameActivity } from pid 25077
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
RSBaseGameActivity.onCreate @(Thread: 'main')
Engine Options created.
RSBaseGameActivity.onResume @(Thread: 'main')
loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so
loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so

loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so
EGLCONFIG: EGLConfig(Red=5, Green=6, Blue=5, Alpha=0, Depth=0, Stencil=0)
EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_platform_binary GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_NV_depth_nonlinear GL_NV_draw_path GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_NV_framebuffer_vertex_attrib_array GL_NV_coverage_sample GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_packed_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_float GL_EXT_texture_array GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_NV_get_tex_image GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_unpack_subimage
RSBaseGameActivity.onSurfaceCreated @(Thread: 'GLThread 21')
RSBaseGameActivity.onCreateGame @(Thread: 'GLThread 21')
RSBaseGameActivity.onCreateResources @(Thread: 'GLThread 21')
Create Resources
RSBaseGameActivity.onSurfaceChanged(Width=960, Height=540) @(Thread: 'GLThread 21')
Multitouch is supported! :D

RSBaseGameActivity.onCreateScene @(Thread: 'main')
Create scene
Trying to load lib /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so 0x40519790
Added shared lib /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so 0x40519790
No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/files/libandenginephysicsbox2dextension.so 0x40519790, skipping init
Library loaded!
GC_CONCURRENT freed 814K, 57% free 3119K/7175K, external 3073K/3638K, paused 2ms+7ms

RSBaseGameActivity.onPopulateScene @(Thread: 'main')
Populate scene
RSBaseGameActivity.onGameCreated @(Thread: 'main')
RSBaseGameActivity.onResumeGame @(Thread: 'main')
sending message to waiting queue (CallSubDelayed - Close)

GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 256K, 57% free 3094K/7175K, external 2357K/2944K, paused 29ms

GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5K, 57% free 3090K/7175K, external 3857K/4817K, paused 18ms

Grow heap (frag case) to 10.585MB for 1536016-byte allocation
GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 13K, 48% free 4576K/8711K, external 3857K/4817K, paused 18ms

GC_CONCURRENT freed 1K, 48% free 4576K/8711K, external 3857K/4817K, paused 2ms+2ms

Displayed com.genesis.rsandenginephysics/com.rootsoft.rsandengine.RSBaseGameActivity: +405ms

GC_EXPLICIT freed 1507K, 65% free 3068K/8711K, external 2357K/3857K, paused 25ms
waiting to render 0x232988

waiting to render 0x1d47d8
waiting to render 0x2dbf8
waiting to render 0x2ed1d8
waiting to render 0xbc2f0
waiting to render 0x28f610
NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UDEV_LOG' not found

ignoring non-kernel netlink multicast message
Filtering udevd generated netlink event

Hope you can find a solution to this.
