Bitcoin has bubble shape, bubble color, bubble price, bubble size, bubble behavior.
And it doesn't really exist.
Draw your conclusions ...
I'm expecting a 40% to 50% drop in the price of Bitcoin. As you alluded to, the Bitcoin price has gone up too far too fast. I'd like to see it drop back to around 17.5k and build a base there before moving up. I blame Wall Street for pushing the price up so fast. We have billion dollar hedge funds starting their own Bitcoin funds and buying up huge amounts of Bitcoin and that is driving the price up. Maybe one day we will see Warren Buffet, Peter Schiff and Charlie Munger starting their own Bitcoin fund? (inside joke-they hate Bitcoin).
And it doesn't really exist.
Bitcoin exists as a solution to a math problem. A new Bitcoin block is mined every 10 minutes (approx) and contains 6.25 Bitcoins, regardless of whether there are 1000 computers or 10 million computers working on the problem. It is always 10 minutes for the next Bitcoin block. It costs anywhere from $4000 to $50,000 to mine a single Bitcoin depending on your electricity rates. Like mining gold, mining Bitcoin is very expensive. Bitcoin exists as a mathematical model to solve the problem of double spending. Bitcoin exists just like Pi exists and RSA encryption exists. It is a solution to a problem, a very important problem.
Crypto currencies will do to finance what the Internet did to communications. You just don't know it yet.
Imagine it was 1990 and you were trying to describe what the Internet was to an AOL user, or someone using Compuserve. You were describing how things were going to be so much better with the Internet and they would willingly give up their AOL and Compuserve to get it. They would think you were crazy.
I'll give you a hint of what is in store for you. There will be no more brick and mortar banks. They will meet the same fate as Blockbusters and newspapers. Many millennials of today don't know what a newspaper is. They never had one delivered to their home and don't know what it's for. They've never had 2 pounds of newsprint thrown in their lap with 125 white pages that would take them a day to read. They don't fathom the concept of reporters hunting down a story and breaking real news. In 5 years we will walk down a street with our child and look at large brick buildings and your child will ask "
What is that building daddy?". And you will answer "
That is a bank where they used to keep cash for financial transactions.". And your daughter will ask "
What is 'cash' daddy?".
The world you know today will not be recognizable 9 years from now. The globalists are reshaping the world with a plan they had in place for over 50 years. The fuse was lit on August 15, 1971 when Nixon went off the gold standard and ended the Bretton Woods agreement. The elite are destroying their old monetary system they created in 1694 and are replacing it. You will be a witness to the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever known, and it will not be an enjoyable experience for the 99% that are unprepared for the collapse of their way of life. The lock downs are just the start. As Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum) has said "
World Will “Never” Return To Normal After COVID" and "
You will own nothing, and you will be happy.". They are using COVID to bring in their global reset. They will use COVID and the lockdowns to create hyperinflation to destroy your currency and your generational wealth that your family has created over the past 100 years. Once you have nothing, they will offer you the carrot of their new world order that you must embrace in order to survive. Think "1984". These are the megalomaniacs that are reshaping the world. No amount of "voting", protests or banging of pots will change their minds. For the past 10 years people have been divesting themselves of fiat and have been accumulating gold, silver, crypto and farmland. They know their currency will be destroyed and are looking for lifeboats to see them through the tsunami of money printing that is headed their way.
I wish I had better news for you. But that is why Bitcoin and other crypto currencies were created. It cannot be confiscated or seized by the bank or by the government and it is highly transportable. But crypto currencies is just one solution to what's coming. Imagine how you would prepare if you were stuck in Venezuela before their currency collapse. There is much planning to do.
Disclaimer: I would never suggest anyone buy Bitcoin at these high prices. Never invest more than you're willing to lose. I am not a financial adviser and you must do your own due diligence when investing.