Android Question BLE connection with password


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Dear community,
I use a BLE beacon from my B4A application to read data from the advertising mode without problem.
Now I need to connect to my beacon to change some settings. (like broadcast interval).

My provider says in his documentation:
The default password is 0x123456 configuration, broadcast interval in units of 100
milliseconds, 0x0A is equivalent to 10 * 100 (ms) = 1 (s). When connected, the user must input the password to 0xFFF1 Port Within 1 minute, the Beacon Otherwise will disconnect with your phone.

The provider also handed me a SDK with Java sources and classes, including a class named "BeaconConnection" and one method:
connectBeaconWithPassword (java.lang.String password)
Starts flow connection to device with password.
I know the characteristics that I use: "0xfff0".

Who could help me to connect to this beacon?
Should I create a library from the Java sources?

Thank you
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