Android Question BLE Location Beacon


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Does Android (or iPhone) have the ability to determine its location by BLE?.

I have a client who has an App (Made by B4X), which needs its location to determine if the device is within the threshold of distance from a gate in order to open it from the device.

As some of their locations are underground parkings, there is no GPS location. I have read some articles that is posible that location can be aquired from the BLE Signals, but on the other hand, how you program a BLE Beacon, to irradiate a certain coordinates?

Has someone achieve something like this scenario?



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Does Android (or iPhone) have the ability to determine its location by BLE?
Not that i know of.

To get an Position you need to use GPS or FusedLocationProvider (the last one may not have exact positiondetails).
As some of their locations are underground parkings, there is no GPS location
It will be problematic in such cases.

I have read some articles that is posible that location can be aquired from the BLE Signals, but on the other hand, how you program a BLE Beacon, to irradiate a certain coordinates?
I don´t know any B4X Code to program a beacon.

I can´t help any further, sorry.
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Brian Dean

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I cannot really understand your problem. Are you able to change the app that the client uses? If not, and the app is not already looking for BLE beacons, how would a beacon help you? The phone app clearly sends some signal to the gate - does it use wifi? Can you rely on wifi or phone connections when underground? If you are able to change the device app then have the app communicate with the gate directly using Bluetooth - the signal would only be received if the device was within range of the gate.

Can you explain more?
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