B4A Library SD EscPos Printer (Lan,USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE)

This library allows you to print with thermal printers compatible with the ESC POS language in 4 different communication channels (USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE, LAN)
you can download the ble3 library from here

The DEMO version prints one minute every 2. The full version of the library will be issued to those making a donation (Contact me in private before making a donation)

WARNING: Make sure the library meets all your needs, is compatible with the printer you need to use.

For ESC/POS B4J version see Here
For ESC/POS B4i version see Here
For ZEBRA printer see Here

Those who want a different version, such as LAN, USB, NFC please contact me privately.
OSBluetooth SPPBLE (Beacon)USB LAN / WIFI RS 232 NFC
iOsxx (on request)
Windowxx (on request)x (on request)

To print a PDF with ESC/POS see


Version: 1.08
  • BLE_Printer
    • Events:
      • BLEoff
      • Connected (services As List)
      • Disconnected
      • ImageWriteComplete
      • PrinterFound (Name As String, ID As String)
      • StateChanged (msg As String)
      • WriteComplete (Characteristic As String, Success As Boolean)
    • Fields:
      • CharatteristicName As String
      • Charset As String
      • currentState As Int
      • ServiceName As String
    • Functions:
      • AddTab (ArrayTab As Int()) As String
        Add Tab
        eg. PrinterBLE.AddTab(Array As Byte(100,150,121))
      • Beep (Times As Byte, SecondsDurate As Byte) As String
      • CenterJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Connect (ID As String) As String
      • Disconnect As String
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • InitializePrinter As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • LeftJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • PrintBitmap (bmp As Bitmap)
      • RightJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • ScanPrinter As String
      • SetCodePage (Code As Byte) As String
        es. Printer.SetCodePage(06) for umlauts char
      • Write (Text As String) As String
        Write (Print) a Text
      • Write_ArrayByte (B As Byte()) As String
        Write (Send to Printer) a Array of Byte
        eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte(Array As Byte(0x1D,150,23))
        eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte("Text".GetBytes("UTF8"))
      • WriteBarCode (Code As String) As String
      • WriteBarCode2D (Code As String) As String
      • WriteLine (Text As String) As String
        Write (Print) a Text + CHLF
      • WriteList (list As List) As String
        Write (Print) a List
    • Properties:
      • CodeTable
        es. printer.setCodeTable(Encoding.Code_WPC1252)
        aftet this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • isConnect As Boolean [read only]
      • isScanning As Boolean [read only]
      • Spacing
        after setSpacing command calls SendBufferToPrinter
  • BT_Printer
    Note: AddPermission(android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION)
    • Events:
      • BluetoothIsDisabled
      • ConnectedToPrint (Success As Boolean)
      • DataReceived (Buffer() As Byte)
      • DisconnectToPrint (Mac As String)
      • DiscoveryComplete (Printers As Map)
      • DiscoveryFinished
      • DiscoveryNewPrinter (PrintedFound As Map, DeviceClass As Int)
      • DiscoveryNoDeviceFound
      • ErrorDiscovery
      • ListPrinterAssociated (ListNameAndMac As Map)
      • SendingError (Mac As String)
      • SendTerminated
    • Fields:
      • Charset As String
      • Const_AUDIO_VIDEO As Int
      • Const_COMPUTER As Int
      • Const_HEALTH As Int
      • Const_IMAGING As Int
      • Const_MISC As Int
      • Const_NETWORKING As Int
      • Const_PERIPHERAL As Int
      • Const_PHONE As Int
      • Const_TOY As Int
      • Const_UNCATEGORIZED As Int
      • Const_WEARABLE As Int
    • Functions:
      • AddBuffer_ArrayByte (B As Byte()) As String
      • AddBuffer_BarCode (Code As String) As String
      • AddBuffer_BarCode2D (Code As String) As String
      • AddBuffer_Bitmap (Bmp As Bitmap, ShiftLeft As Int) As String
      • AddBuffer_BitmapAlternativeCoding (Bmp As Bitmap) As String
      • AddBuffer_List_Write (list As List) As String
      • AddBuffer_List_WriteLine (list As List) As String
      • AddBuffer_Tab (ArrayTab As Int()) As String
      • AddBuffer_Write (Text As String) As String
      • AddBuffer_WriteLine (Text As String) As String
      • AddPrintDefineImage As String
      • Beep (Times As Byte, SecondsDurate As Byte) As String
      • CenterJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Class_Globals As String
      • ClearBuffer As String
      • Connected As Boolean
      • ConnectFromMac (Mac As String) As String
      • DefineImage (Image As Bitmap)
      • Disconnect As String
      • flushAllAndClose
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • InitializePrinter As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • LeftJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Preview As Bitmap
      • ResetPreViewWidth (NewWidth As Int) As String
      • RightJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • SearchFromAssociatedPrinter As String
      • SearchNewPrinter As String
        select --------------------------------------------
      • SendBufferToPrinter
      • SetCodePage (Code As Byte) As String
        es. Printer.SetCodePage(06) for umlauts char
      • WriteBarCode (Code As String) As String
        send to print immediately, do not preview - Not available in the demo version
      • WriteBarCode2D (Code As String) As String
        send to print immediately, do not preview - Not available in the demo version
      • WriteBitmap (Bmp As Bitmap) As String
        send to print immediately, do not preview - Not available in the demo version
      • WriteByte (Data As Byte()) As String
        send to print immediately, do not preview - Not available in the demo version
      • WriteText (Text As String) As String
        send to print immediately, do not preview - Not available in the demo version
    • Properties:
      • CodeTable
        es. printer.setCodeTable(Encoding.Code_WPC1252)
        aftet this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Spacing
        after setSpacing command calls SendBufferToPrinter
    Code module
    Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
    • Fields:
      • BoldOff As String
      • BoldOn As String
      • cn_PDF417 As String
      • cn_QRcode As String
      • CutPaper As String
      • CutPartialPaper As String
      • CutTotalPaper As String
      • Demo As Boolean
      • DoubleOff As String
      • DoubleOn As String
      • FontA_Bold As String
      • FontA_DoubleHight As String
      • FontA_DoubleWide As String
      • FontA_DoubleWideHeight As String
      • FontA_Normal As String
      • FontB_Bold As String
      • FontB_DoubleHeight As String
      • FontB_DoubleWide As String
      • FontB_DoubleWideHeight As String
      • FontB_Normal As String
      • Horizzontal As String
      • InitializePrinter As String
      • ItalicFontOff As String
      • ItalicFontOn As String
      • NoUnderline As String
      • QueryErrorCauses As String
      • QueryOfflineCauses As String
      • QueryPaperStatus As String
      • QueryPrinterStatus As String
      • Underline1 As String
      • Underline2 As String
      • Vertical As String
    • Functions:
      • feed (lines As Int) As String
      • Process_Globals As String
  • Encoding
    Code module
    Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
    • Fields:
      • CharSet_Chinese As String
      • CharSet_ChineseS As String
      • CharSet_DOS_Latin_1 As String
      • CharSet_IBM_PC As String
      • CharSet_ISO8859 As String
      • CharSet_UTF8 As String
      • CharSet_Windows1252 As String
      • Code_PC437 As Int
      • Code_PC850 As Int
      • Code_PC857 As Int
      • Code_PC858 As Int
      • Code_PC860 As Int
      • Code_PC863 As Int
      • Code_PC865 As Int
      • Code_PC866 As Int
      • Code_WPC1252 As Int
    • Functions:
      • Process_Globals As String
  • LAN_Printer
    • Events:
      • Connected (Success As Boolean)
      • DataReceived (Data() As Byte)
      • Diconnected
      • ErrorTrasmission
    • Fields:
      • Charset As String
    • Functions:
      • AddTab (ArrayTab As Int()) As String
        Add Tab
        eg. PrinterBLE.AddTab(Array As Byte(100,150,121))
      • Beep (Times As Byte, SecondsDurate As Byte) As String
      • CenterJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Connect (Host As String, Port As Int) As String
      • Disconnect As String
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • InitializePrinter As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • LanConnection_Connected (Successful As Boolean) As String
      • LeftJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • PrintBitmap (bmp As Bitmap) As String
      • RightJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • SetCodePage (Code As Byte) As String
        es. Printer.SetCodePage(06) for umlauts char
      • Write (Text As String) As String
        Write (Print) a Text
      • Write_ArrayByte (B As Byte()) As String
        Write (Send to Printer) a Array of Byte
        eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte(Array As Byte(0x1D,150,23))
        eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte("Text".GetBytes("UTF8"))
      • WriteBarCode (Code As String) As String
      • WriteBarCode2D (Code As String) As String
      • WriteLine (Text As String) As String
        Write (Print) a Text + CHLF
      • WriteList (list As List) As String
        Write (Print) a List
    • Properties:
      • CodeTable
        es. printer.setCodeTable(Encoding.Code_WPC1252)
        aftet this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Spacing
        after setSpacing command calls SendBufferToPrinter
  • RS_Printer
    • Fields:
      • Charset As String
    • Functions:
      • AddTab (ArrayTab As Int()) As String
        Add Tab
        eg. PrinterBLE.AddTab(Array As Byte(100,150,121))
      • Beep (Times As Byte, SecondsDurate As Byte) As String
      • CenterJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Connect (SerialDevOutput As String) As String
        es. Connect("/dev/ttyAMA1")
        es. Connect("/dev/ttyS0")
      • Disconnect As String
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • InitializePrinter As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • LeftJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • PrintBitmap (bmp As Bitmap) As String
      • RightJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • SetCodePage (Code As Byte) As String
        es. Printer.SetCodePage(06) for umlauts char
      • Write (Text As String) As String
        Write (Print) a Text
      • Write_ArrayByte (B As Byte()) As String
        Write (Send to Printer) a Array of Byte
        eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte(Array As Byte(0x1D,150,23))
        eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte("Text".GetBytes("UTF8"))
      • WriteBarCode (Code As String) As String
      • WriteBarCode2D (Code As String) As String
      • WriteLine (Text As String) As String
        Write (Print) a Text + CHLF
      • WriteList (list As List) As String
        Write (Print) a List
    • Properties:
      • CodeTable
        es. printer.setCodeTable(Encoding.Code_WPC1252)
        aftet this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Spacing
        after setSpacing command calls SendBufferToPrinter
  • USB_Printer
    • Events:
      • WriteComplete
    • Fields:
      • Charset As String
    • Functions:
      • AddTab (ArrayTab As Int()) As String
        Add Tab
        eg. PrinterBLE.AddTab(Array As Byte(100,150,121))
      • Beep (Times As Byte, SecondsDurate As Byte) As String
      • CenterJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Class_Globals As String
      • CloseConnection As String
      • FindAdbDevice As Boolean
      • HasPermission As Boolean
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • InitializePrinter As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • LeftJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • OpenConnection As String
      • PrintBitmap (bmp As Bitmap) As String
      • RequestPermission As String
      • RightJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • SetCodePage (Code As Byte) As String
        es. Printer.SetCodePage(06) for umlauts char
      • Write (Text As String) As String
        Write (Print) a Text
      • Write_ArrayByte (D As Byte()) As String
        Write (Send to Printer) a Array of Byte
        eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte(Array As Byte(0x1D,150,23))
        eg. PrinterBLE.Write_ArrayByte("Text".GetBytes("UTF8"))
      • WriteBarCode (Code As String) As String
      • WriteBarCode2D (Code As String) As String
      • WriteLine (Text As String) As String
        Write (Print) a Text + CHLF
      • WriteList (list As List) As String
        Write (Print) a List
    • Properties:
      • CodeTable
        es. printer.setCodeTable(Enoding.Code_WPC1252)
        aftet this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Spacing
        after setSpacing command calls SendBufferToPrinter

log release
  • 1.04
    • Added CutPartialPaper, CutTotalPaper and feed(lines As Int) in esc_pos.
    • Added WriteBitmap WriteByte WriteText - send to print immediately
  • 1.05
    • Added conversions of color images to black and white for printing
  • 1.06
    • fixed LAN classbug
  • 1.07
    • Added Beep method
  • 1.08
    • Added WriteBarCode, WriteBarCode2D and for Printer_BT also added AddBarCode2d. Other commands to print 2D barcodes compatible with some POS ESCs


  • SD_EscPosPrinter 1.08.zip
    47.3 KB · Views: 609
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi SD, I interested in adquire this library, can help me pls.. how i have to do?
Send a private message. If you cannot send private messages then you are not a licensed user of the site.


I am trying to use it with a Wifi printer and I get this error message:

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-15 at 11.09.00.jpeg

What are the steps to use a LAN printer with this App? I am connecting first to the Wifi of the printer...But how can I know the IP of the printer and the port? Thanks!


Licensed User
Longtime User
The address is set on the printer. Then follow the instructions in your printer manual. The port is usually 9100, but you can make sure of this value in the manual.

Some printers rely on DHCP for address assignment and so you have to find out from the router maybe.

After entering the correct data, click on connect and wait for the print panel to appear. The panel will appear only after the connection is successful


The address is set on the printer. Then follow the instructions in your printer manual. The port is usually 9100, but you can make sure of this value in the manual.

Some printers rely on DHCP for address assignment and so you have to find out from the router maybe.

After entering the correct data, click on connect and wait for the print panel to appear. The panel will appear only after the connection is successful
I am using a laser printer Pantum 2506W

I installed the App of the Pantum printer and tested the printer from the this App. It is working well. From the App I was able to pick the right IP of the printer which is:

Now I can connect to the printer with the B4A App, but when I send the image to print I get this in the log, but nothing is printed:

rastering2 bitmap: width=330 height=330

What could I do? Thanks!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Pantum 2506W use GDI language not use ESC/POS


Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry. No


New Member
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Coding Documentation

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonScan_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Ble_PrinterFound(Name As String, ID As String)
    Log($"Found device: ${NamePrinter} ${CRLF}(${ID})"$)
End Sub

Private Sub Ble_Connected(services As List)
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonSend_Click
    Ble.Writeline(ESC_POS.DoubleOn & "RIGHT PRINT" & ESC_POS.DoubleOff)
End Sub

Dim USBp As USB_Printer
    If USBp.FindAdbDevice Then
        If USBp.HasPermission=False Then
            Wait For Activity_Resume ' Change for B4XPage
        End If
        USBp.Writeline(ESC_POS.DoubleOn & "TEXT" & ESC_POS.DoubleOff)
    End If

Bluetooth SPP:
Sub Globals
    Dim rp As RuntimePermissions
    Dim Printer As BT_Printer
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
End Sub

Sub ButtonScanPrinter_Click
    ' Scan for find Bluetooth Printer
'   Change for B4XPage
    Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    If Result = False Then
        ToastMessageShow("No permission...", False)
    End If
End Sub

Sub Printer_DiscoveryNewPrinter (PrinterFinded As Map, DeviceClass As Int)
    ' Find new printer
     Log(PrinterFinded.GetKeyAt(0)) ' Printer Name
     Printer.ConnectFromMac(PrinterFinded.GetValueAt(0)) ' Printer Mac
End Sub

Sub Printer_ConnectedToPrint (Success As Boolean)
    ' When is connect
    If Success Then
       Printer.AddBuffer_Writeline("TEST - Mixed Text and Image")
        ToastMessageShow("Error Connect in to BT PRINTER",False)
    End If
End Sub

Dim Plan As LAN_Printer

Private Sub Plan_Connected(Success As Boolean)
End Sub
How do I send escpos command print QR CODE


Licensed User
Longtime User
How do I send escpos command print QR CODE
Most printers do not have a command to create QR. However, you can create a QR image from the code as in the link below. The image can be sent to the printer. Remember that the image must not exceed 330 points for printers with 80cm wide paper



New Member
Licensed User
Most printers do not have a command to create QR. However, you can create a QR image from the code as in the link below. The image can be sent to the printer. Remember that the image must not exceed 330 points for printers with 80cm wide paper

My printer support <GS ( k > Escpos command and suppot page mode ,I want directly send escpos command to printer,Because I want to print 2 QR Codes in one line and Control printing position


Licensed User
Longtime User
For now, build the command raw. I don't have enough information about this command at the moment
PrinterBT.AddBuffer_Write(Chr(29) & chr(40) & chr(107) & ......)

PrinterLan_USB_BLE.Write (Chr(29) & chr(40) & chr(107) & ......)
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Update rel 1.08
  • Added WriteBarCode, WriteBarCode2D and for Printer_BT also added AddBarCode2d. Other commands to print 2D barcodes compatible with some POS ESCs
Last edited:


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello, does this library work with b4a version 9.50?

I'm trying it out to buy it and it gives me this error


un saludo


Licensed User
Longtime User

B4A is now at version 12.80. The library is compiled in one of the latest versions of B4A. I can't guarantee that it works in older versions of B4A and I can't do any testing on it.


Licensed User
Longtime User
As has already been answered in the other section of the forum, you have to set the Code Page for Greek (one of these 7,65,66,67,68) but mainly the printer must support the code page.

You have to do the tests