A few quick questions, to make sure I haven't made any incorrect assumptions
(surely not... ;-)
to connect it with a meteorological blue tooth station
# Do you already have the meteorological station?
# Does it already have a bluetooth interface installed?
If so,
## do you have their app communicating with the station?
## does the station show up in a general BLE app eg nRF Connect?
HC05 can be set either as a slave or a master with at command but the HC06 can be set only as as a slave.
The top hit Google result was to a master who has written other excellent stuff on the subject - it cheered me up to see his name.
This post suggests that the HC-06 is a cut-down (eg lower cost, or simpler) derivative of the HC-05. Perhaps the HC-05 was first, and they realised that 90% of them were only used as a plain serial link, and all the other features were just getting in the way.
I am balancing thus between the two choices until I find out which is the correct.
Get a HC-05. Worst case is that you might pay an extra $1 for features you don't use. Clinching argument: it wins the Ebay popularity test: 125 to 83 listings.
edit: I realised later that the two choices might be Bluetooth SPP and Bluetooth BLE, not HC-05 and HC-06... so perhaps hold off ordering until we've confirmed which type of Bluetooth it is.
Further more the station indicates that it is compatible only with Android and not iPhone and this forces me to think that it is not ble compatible which points to HC05. What a mind job...
Agreed (points to not BLE) and agreed (a mind job ;-).