Hello, i need to connect from one tablet to two thermal printers via bluetooth without selection choose, example: i use two edittext for insert the name or macaddress of the thermal printers, i need to insert the name in this edittext for print to a varius thermal printer, is possible?
this code is ok for my use?:
i need to connect and disconnect after print for have tablet possibility to receive other bluetooth.
Dim PairedDevices As Map
PairedDevices = BTConnection.GetPairedDevices
Dim l As List
Dim DeviceName, MacAddress As String
For i = 0 To PairedDevices.Size - 1 'Check all devices
Log(DeviceName & " -> " & MacAddress)
If DeviceName.Contains(txtstampa1.Text) Then 'Insert the BT-Name of the printer or use the MAC address
End If
i use this code but not work googd, i use txtstampa1.text for insert the name or macaddress printer. i have replaced "Thermal" of the original code with txtstampa1.text.