Thanks Klaus, That did the job...
Here is what happened and what I did so others may learn if they have the problem:
I did give removing the "Main" a shot the other day before posting but I had left the line of code:
AStream.InitializePrefix(serial1.InputStream, True, serial1.OutputStream, "AStream")
To be executed upon the program starting, and it had a diffident error be it that there was no BlueTooth connection yet.
Once I placed the line of code in an "If-then-else" that tested for a BT connection = true then it worked fine (with Main removed as well)
--The working fix--
Sub Serial1_Connected (Success As Boolean)
Log("connected: " & Success)
If Success = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Error connecting: " & LastException.Message, True)
If AStream.IsInitialized = False Then
AStream.InitializePrefix(serial1.InputStream, True, serial1.OutputStream, "AStream")
End If
End If
End Sub
-- End working fix---
Thanks for all the help!!!