Hey Erel,
I am using the tutorial for bluetooth connection.
How i can show in my list, if i find my BT Modul "the MAC Adress and all Information about the BT-Modul"?
I did a Filter for the BT- Modul like:
Sub Admin_DeviceFound (Name As String, MacAddress As String)
Log(Name & ":" & MacAddress)
Dim nm As NameAndMac
nm.Name = Name
nm.Mac = MacAddress
Filter (nm)
ProgressDialogShow("Searching for devices (~ device found)...".Replace("~", foundDevices.Size))
End Sub
Sub Filter (nm As NameAndMac)
If nm.Name = "HC-06" Then
End If
End Sub
I can only show in my List "HC-06" .... but i want to see the MAC Adress too.
How can i get also the Information about the BT-Modul??
Thanks very much
Best regards