Android Tutorial BlueTooth Printing via SPP


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Thank you so much,Timwil @Erel, I think that we have to need some library to manage these codes about printing,don't you?
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Gabino A. de la Gala

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By default, I only get a blank screen.

To get the printer prints, I had to modify like this:

Sub Activity_Resume
    PrintBuffer="Hola Mundo!"
End Sub

Robert Valentino

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I have an HP OfficeJet (shows up as DeskJet in the Bluetooth print program given here) 100 Mobile that I want to start printing to.

Has anyone done anything with the HP Mobile?

Thanks in advance


Robert Valentino

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Is it some how possible to treat a Bluetooth device like a canvas and draw to it?

I am using an HP Mobile 100 and was wondering if I could just treat it like a graphics monitor and draw to it?

If so how?

Robert Valentino

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OK, I found out my HP Mobile uses the HP PCL 3 codes to control the printer

I found a PCL 3 manual here:

If you modify the BTPrint program that I found in this Thread with this code:

printer.WriteLine(Chr(27) &"E" &Chr(27) &"&l2a0O" &Chr(27) &"&k1w5W" &Chr(27) &"&" &"l1l8d88p6e72F" &Chr(27) &"(s0p12H" &Chr(27) &"&a6l90M" 	_
		 	 &Chr(27) &"*p-95y+475X" &Chr(27) &"(12U" &Chr(27) &"(s6h12v0s3b6TDeskJet printer Family" &Chr(27) &"(& l9C" &Chr(13) &Chr(10))
printer.WriteLine(Chr(27) &"(s1p12v0s0b4101TIn February 1988, HP introduced the original DeskJet printer at a U.S." 				_
		 	  &"List price of $995. The DeskJets market position was Laser Quality Output for Under $1,000" 					_
		 	  &"AND offered a superior print quality alternative For users intending To upgrade To 24 wire dot" 				_
		 	  &"matrix printers.")
printer.WriteLine("In April 1989...")
printer.WriteLine(" For MS Windows 3.0. " 									 											_
		 	  &Chr(27) &"*p2875y1800X" &Chr(27) &"(s0p24h6v0s0b6TCopyright 1990 Hewlett-Packard Co. " &Chr(27) &"E")

This will print a Header in a large font and some text then print a Footer in the bottom right corner (very small font)

I copied this example from the manual in the link above (page 116 - Section 14)

Well this at least proves to me, that we can completely control the printer (printing full pages, different texts, etc)

So now I got my work cut out for me writing a PCL driver to makes printing for me easy.

Off to do some coding



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Thanks for your sample app. Got me printing in no time at all! Also some useful use cases that I hadn't considered.

Just to let you know it works with an MTP58 - Chinese Printer. This also uses the same code set as the MTP80 if you need a wider print roll. This also has ESC/POS.


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Good day, is there a way to detect if the printer successfully printed? A form o feed back so that the app would know if printing is successful? I was using this code for receipt printing then saving data to a database. Sometimes I'm experiencing miss prints but how do i detect miss prints, hope you can help me. Thanks in advance


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Don't know - this is why i put in a reprint loop, just in case something happened to the printing.

Robert Valentino

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I have been printing to my printer using then basic example I put here:

And as long as I wait for the connected sub to be called I never miss a print. Now one of the problems I can see happening is that the Bluetooth Printer has gone to sleep. Maybe you need to reestablish the connection to wake it up? This is just a guess, because I know my printer goes to sleep and then powers down after a while (if running on battery).

Something to think about.


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This is why I put the printing in a loop and ask the operator to reprint if necessary

The printer could be off

The paper could be out

The transmission could be corrupted or lost

....and so on


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Good day,
Has anyone tried this code on Bixolon Printers? E.g SPP-200 model, TIA

Updated: Confirmed working via old post
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Robert Valentino

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Most printers support some form of PCL (Printer Control Language) I geared most of the functions in this toward PCL3 because that is what the HP Mobile Jet has, but they should work on almost anything.



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Hello... does anyone had played with datamax-oneil bluetooth thermal printer? It has a different set of printer commands...can you please share a example code how to print double height/width text?


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You will have to get the command reference or programmer reference. That will tell you what you have to send to the printer.


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You will have to get the command reference or programmer reference. That will tell you what you have to send to the printer.
Hi timwil...thank you for replying. I got the manual... first I'm interested with bigger character size to print. So I'm focusing(not really sure) with set commands below

Escape Sequence: ESC K 1 CR
Hexadecimal: 1B 4B 31 0D
Decimal: 27 75 49 13
Just to to have a test the following command correct?
PrintBuffer = Chr(27) & Chr(75) & Chr(49)& Chr(13) & PrintBuffer


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That looks about right

Give it a try - what the worse that can happen?


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That looks about right

Give it a try - what the worse that can happen?
I was able to make a test print with this code
Decimal: 85 & 49 ' Bold ON
Decimal: 14 ' double wide ON
Decimal: 28 ' doubel height ON
PrintBuffer = Chr(27) & Chr(85)& Chr(49)& Chr(14) & Chr(28) & PrintBuffer & Chr(10)&Chr(13)

But I need to make the font larger(twice the height).. from the manual I post #76 I should able to create big font
Example 2: The following escape sequence set the pitch to 25 CPI Verin Font:
Escape Sequence: ESC K 1 1 CR
Hexadecimal: 1B 4B 31 31 0D
Decimal: 27 75 49 49 13
But it's not printing the to a bigger font size when including them in line command.
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