Bluetooth: is there a way to limit the time startdiscovery is trying to connect (e.g. 2 min)?
It seems "Trying to connect..." is running long time if the HC-05 (for this example) is not reachable.
Code Snippet
Bluetooth: is there a way to limit the time startdiscovery is trying to connect (e.g. 2 min)?
It seems "Trying to connect..." is running long time if the HC-05 (for this example) is not reachable.
Code Snippet
Public Sub Connect
connecting = True
CallSub(Main, "SetState")
End Sub
Private Sub admin_DeviceFound (Name As String, MacAddress As String)
Log($"Device found: ${Name}"$)
If Name = "HC-05" Then
Log("Trying to connect...")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub admin_DiscoveryFinished
connecting = False
End Sub