B4R Question Boards.txt and platform.txt locations, one for each device?


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The Arduino IDE (1.6.11) worked until minute ago for AVR, ESP8266 and ESP32 boards.
However, I could no longer compile with B4R due to errors with the boards.txt file(s?).
So I messed around with those files and by now nothing is working anymore.
My question is, at which location the board.txt and the platform.txt files have to exist in the Arduino directories?
And, is there one for each device?


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boards.text is only used if the IDE fails to get the data from Arduino IDE. It is not clear why it fails on some computers so it was implemented as a fallback solution.
In most cases it is never used.

It should be located in the installation folder. There is no platform.txt in B4R.

You can enable the IDE logs to see more information: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/posts/50478/
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In the Arduino ide I find several boards.txt files, after Installation of aditional Cores like esp8266 or -32, located in the specific core directories. Does B4r look for the right one depending on the selected board (should be so probably). But that would contradict having a (one) boards.txt in the B4r Installation folder.
As i have messed up the Arduino Installation i might be wrong.
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