Hi guys I have an issue so I start google maps and add a geofence then geofence work extreme well and I display a notification when the person goes through that geo fence with google maps running and google maps having focus. I know want to able instead of displaying the google maps bring my app back in focus and minmize google maps in the back ground as well as open another form
instead of Toastmessageshow I want say B4XPages.ShowPages("PODForm") nad bring that form in focus minimizing google maps and opening my page inside my app
Geofence enter:
Private Sub Geofence_Enter (Id As String)
Log("Geofence_Enter james: " & Id)
Dim n As Notification
n.Icon = "icon"
n.SetInfo("Enter: " & Id, "Enter", Main)
ToastMessageShow("Enterjames: " & Id, True)
End Sub
instead of Toastmessageshow I want say B4XPages.ShowPages("PODForm") nad bring that form in focus minimizing google maps and opening my page inside my app