iOS Question Build Release and new devices

mauro vicamini

Active Member
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Longtime User
Hi everyone,
I build for release my first application but still in development and installed on my device and it's ok. Now I want to test it on a new device. I know that I've to add the new device in the device list for development in the Apple Member Center, but the question is: do I have to rebuild all the certificate (push certificate included) generating a new provisioning file like I've done on the first time I've installed B4I? Or there is a more fast way to do it?


mauro vicamini

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel,
I've done what you have said and is gone all ok (as always...)
If B4I two years ago was already born, I could had avoided to go crazy with a PhoneGap project! My god...!!! I don't never considered at all the option to learn Objective-C: I'm not so mind gifted! If i see two line of code in Objective C, it keeps me a terrible headace.
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