B4R Question Byte array to date-time elements


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I receive date-time array from HMI device in this form '16092103132021' I would like to separate date time elements in byte values but i get very different results:
16 09 21 03 13 20 21
year month day day-week hr mn sc

        Dim RAF As RandomAccessFile
        RAF.Initialize(CurrentDateTime, False) 
        Dim hex_str As String
        hex_str=BC.HexFromBytes(CurrentDateTime) 'just to debug
        DWIN_YEAR = RAF.ReadByte(0)
        DWIN_MONTH = RAF.ReadByte(1)
        DWIN_DAY = RAF.ReadByte(2)
        DWIN_WEEK_DAY = RAF.ReadByte(3)
        DWIN_HOUR = RAF.ReadByte(4)
        DWIN_MINUT = RAF.ReadByte(5)
        DWIN_SECOND = RAF.ReadByte(6)
        Log(hex_str) 'i get 16092103132021
        Log(DWIN_YEAR) 'i get 22 instead of 16


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16 hex= 22 decimal, 16 decimal =22 hex, you'll have to convert to decimal or use another function/code other than hexfrombytes
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CurrentDateTime holds date-time in decimal format, it should converted to hex to be 'readable' 22d >> 16h means 2016
I dont know really how to solve this problem, i just did this test:
Dim hex_str As String
        hex_str = BC.HexFromBytes(CurrentDateTime)
        Dim yr As String
        Dim tmp_array(1) As Byte

        tmp_array(0) = CurrentDateTime(0) 'get year byte (0)
        yr = BC.HexFromBytes(tmp_array) 'convert to hex string
        Log(hex_str) '16092103151603
        Log(yr)        '16
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Thank you all so much for great help, it worked like this,

Dim hex_str As String
        hex_str = BC.HexFromBytes(CurrentDateTime)
        DWIN_YEAR = BC.StringFromBytes(BC.SubString2(hex_str, 0, 2))
        DWIN_MONTH = BC.StringFromBytes(BC.SubString2(hex_str, 2, 4))
        DWIN_DAY = BC.StringFromBytes(BC.SubString2(hex_str, 4, 6))
        DWIN_WEEK_DAY = BC.StringFromBytes(BC.SubString2(hex_str, 6, 8))
        DWIN_HOUR = BC.StringFromBytes(BC.SubString2(hex_str, 8, 10))
        DWIN_MINUT = BC.StringFromBytes(BC.SubString2(hex_str, 10, 12))
        DWIN_SECOND = BC.StringFromBytes(BC.SubString2(hex_str, 12, 14))
        Log(hex_str) '16092103154817
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I writo some code for time /date; may be help you.

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