got it - needs to be:
Dim tensInt As UInt =bc.UIntsFromBytes(buffer2)(0) . sorry, but might be interesting
--- but how can I just read a UINT from a dezimal string like "2016"?????
... oh I see, I just dont need it. Thank you.
Dim buffer2() As Byte
buffer2 = bc.SubString(Buffer,8 ) '0k
Dim tensInt As UInt =bc.UIntsFromBytes(buffer2)
Error description: Cannot cast type: {Type=UInt,Rank=1, RemoteObject=True} to: {Type=UInt,Rank=0, RemoteObject=True}
Occurred on line: 504
Dim tensInt As UInt =bc.UIntsFromBytes(buffer2)
sorry, I don't find it out... can anyone help me please?
probably, Rank=1 and Rank=0 might be the problem, but both bytearrays are 1-dimensioned