CAD Program (Autocad Lite)


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Thanks Klaus

I am OK with loading and saving DXF files. I have done that already on my Desktop version, which is written with Visual Studio.

I get the impression that Autocad is not too keen in making their format public!:BangHead:



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I am attaching an updated version of my CAD program. One can now import DXF files (lines and circles only at this stage).

I need some help\advice with the zoom functions:sign0085:



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Another updated CAD_lite program. One can now tap on the "Info" button (the little "i" at the bottom of the screen on the left) and then tap on a drawing entity and see the properties of the selected entity. Here you can change the layer, color, coordinates, etc of the displayed entity.

I still need help\advice on the zoom functions.:sign0085: My maths is not quite right there:sign0148::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:



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I am attaching a preliminary help file for my CAD program. It is written in Microsoft Word format.



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Hi Erel

Thanks for the comment!

If it was not for your development platform, my surveying program would not have been possible. I could have done it in Visual Studio, but it is a pain in the backside. I started using NSBasic before I used your platform, but it comes nowhere close to B4PPC.

As far as my site is concerned, I am still busy developing it and it should be ready very soon.

How do you like my Himba girls?? I took the photo when I was up in Northern Namibia dong a surveying project there. These people refuse to convert to more modern ways of living and still live like they did hundreds of years ago. They don't wear any clothes, only leather thongs and cover their bodies with a mixture of rotten goat fat and a reddish stone powder.

I am sorry about the updated programs and will put new updates in the first post.



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Longtime User
Hi Michael,

Attached you find a template for the zooming function.

I made a simple separate program to show it rather than implementing it in yours.

Edit: 2009.07.23
There is an updated version with some more zoom functions in the next post.
Removed the source file and images.

Best regards.
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Longtime User
Hi Michael,

Attached you find a template for the zooming function.

I made a simple separate program to show it rather than implementing it in yours.

Here is an updated version with some more zoom functions.

Best regards.


  • Zoom.sbp
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  • Zoom1.jpg
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  • Zoom2.jpg
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Thanks Klaus. I think I must change my CAD program a bit and use a Image control.



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Hi Michael,

Why would you use an Image control, and what for?

As shown in my example, using the ImageLibEx, you need
- a BitmapEx object to draw on, this bitmap has the size of the screen drawing area.
- a DrawerEx object allowing to draw onto the bitmap.
- a DrawerEx object allowing to copy the bitmap onto the froms background.
- 2 RectangleEx objects for the bitmap copy
- a SolidBrush and a PenEx control for drawing

If you use an Image control this one will hide the MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp events of the form and also the forms forelayer.

Another advantage with the bitmap is that you don't necessarily need to check if the drawing objects are outside of the bitmap. This check could perhaps be usefull if you have a lot of objects for speed.

Best regards.


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There is an updated CAD program in the first post:sign0163:

Is there anyone that can help me complete the program:sign0163::sign0085:



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Sorry chaps, I messed up something with the last program:sign0013:

There is a new updated program in the first post.

I need help with the following:
1. Dimensions - any ideas
2. When I import a tachy file and the limits are say 2000,2000 (min) and 6000,6000 (Max) how can I plot all the points on the small screen. I was thinking of using a ratio between the screen size and the limits of the survey, but somehow I am messing things up:sign0148:. I know in Visual Basic that one can define the limits of the picture box and anything drawn on the picturebox gets scaled automatically.:sign0085::sign0085:

Besides survey functions that I am going to add in, are there any other ideas of things that I can add in.:sign0163:

I also would like to thank Klaus for his big help in this program.:sign0188:



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Hi Michael,

I am on the way to implement dimesions and the zoom functions.
I will post the new version in a few days.

Do you have an example of such a tachy file with 2000 / 6000 values ?
With how many drawing objects ?
Are the some close together or well distributed ?

So I could test directly with a concrete sample.

Best regards.
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Hi Klaus

I am attaching a coordinate file that was generated from a road design along the centerline.



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Longtime User
Hi Michael,

Attached is a version of the CAD program with zoom and display of coordinate files. I used the sample you posted.

Not everything has been tested yet. But I post you this version so you can test it too.

The 4th image is a zoomed part of the 3rd image, your example coordinate file.

Unfortunately the program is not based on your last version but on the previous one. Most of the work was done before you sent the last version.

There is a Word file in the attachment with some short explanations.

Best regards.

EDIT: removed the zip file, updated version in new post


  • Image1.jpg
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  • Image4.jpg
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Thanks Klaus, I will work on it this weekend:sign0188:

No Beers this weekend:sign0148:



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Guten Abend

I am attaching an updated version of my so called "CAD-lite" program in the first post.

I have made the following addons:

1. It is now possible to enter coordinates to draw lines, circles, etc. in the textbox....i.e to draw a line from X=50; Y=40 to X=100;Y=120, one would first type in 50,40 and then click on the green "tick" (OK) button and then enter 100,120 and then tap on the "OK" button again.
2. One can also draw relative lines - preceed the coordinates with a "@" ....i.e @20,20 will draw a line X=20 & Y=20 from the selected position on the screen. ">" will draw also a relative point to the last selected point by defining the angle and distance....i.e 45.1230,100.2, will draw a line 45deg 12 minutes and 30 seconds for a distance of 100.2m from the selected point on the screen.
3. You can also now change the attributes of an entity by tapping on the info button (the "i" at the bottom of the screen) and then tapping on the entity on the screen. A form will then pop up showing you the attributes, which you can then change.
4. I have also added 3 more line drawing functions...orthogonal down, orthogonal up and a polygon.
5. Under the editing functions, there is now a function to extend 2 lines up to where they intersect.

I will post the updated chapter on the CAD soon. I hate writing mauals:BangHead::sign0148:

I need some advice please. I can trap the "Enter" button on my Workabout, but how do I prevent the PDA from making a "Beep" noise.:(

When typing in coordinates in the textbox to draw something, you can either tap on the "OK" button at the bottom of the screen, or press the "Enter" button on the PDA. It works, but the "Beep" noise is irritating:BangHead:

I wish to thank Klaus again with his help on this program. Without his help, this would not have been possible.:sign0188:
