CAD Program (Autocad Lite)


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Thanks Erel. The only problem is that I have over 2000 input text boxes in my survey program. It will take some time to change them all!:sign0148:

Anyway, I am attaching an updated manual (chapter 5) on the CAD section.



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2000 textboxes???what for?
i'm think manual it's not need now.


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Hi Byak

What I have done, is to take a Civil Engineering and Surveying Program that runs on a PC and ported it to a PPC. The whole program consists of over 43000 lines of instructions and it's still growing.

Lets take a simple thing like entering the geometric parameters that make up a road:

1. You need a horizontal alignment, consisting of Pi coords (X & Y), a circular curve and two transition curves. Next you must allow the user to enter different types of spirals. (That's 6 input boxes)
2. Next you need to define the vertical alignment. Again the stake and elevation of the intersecting point, the length of the vertical curve, symmetrical or assymetrical curve, the type of curve (parabolic, cubic parabolic, circular, etc).....another 6 input boxes.
3. Then the surface.....surface widths, widenings, crossfalls, superelevations, kerbs, sidewalks, shoulders, etc. .......12 input boxes.

Still staying with the data input module, one also need to give the user the option to import design parameters from other programs, ie. CEASER_office, Model Maker, Civil Designer, MOSS,etc. Then there is of course the option to export your design again to other programs.

And so I can carry on and on. I am sure that if one goes through the program again one could get rid of some input boxes, but that is the way I programmed it.

I hope that it sheds some light on your question.

I do not understand your last sentence?



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There is an updated version of my feable attempt to have a CAD module in my surveying program.

Some things that I have changed\added:
1. The actions of the bottom icons were moved to a menu and the icons removed. The idea is to have the functions that one uses the least to have them on the menus and the other functions as icons.
2. Distances and areas. I am not too sure whether they were there on the previous version.
3. I have introduced the concept of "Construction Lines". These are lines that one draws to help you in your drawing. They are placed on a special layer and you also have the option of saving them in your drawing file or not. If you do not save them (click the option under "Setup") and you load your drawing again, they will be gone.
4. The DXF import has also been improved.
5. Functions like "Station Setup", "Orientation" has been removed, as these functions reside in the "Field" module.

I would really like to have comments from the Forum on improvements and ideas.


P.S. there are still functions that do not work (i.e. dimensions), but they should be fixed up in the next update!:sign0085::BangHead:


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I would really like to have comments from the Forum on improvements and ideas.


P.S. there are still functions that do not work (i.e. dimensions), but they should be fixed up in the next update!:sign0085::BangHead:

Hi Michael, I also have migrated from using Psion and OPL (per Psion programming). On Series 3 (I never upgraded) I had a freebie CAD program which came with a demo image; see

So I tried exporting that demo to DXF and importing it to your CAD module (running under the desktop IDE) but it looks rather garbled and upside-down! When imported to OpenOffice Draw module it looks nearly the same as on the Psion.

Best regards, Mike.


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Hi MJCoon

Thanks for the comment. I have totally rewritten my "CAD" program as a standalone from my Land Surveying program. There were a couple (actually quite a lot:sign0148 of bugs in the program which have been fixed.

Give me about a week then I will post the new version on the forum. I just want to test it with the new version (6.90) of Basic4ppc.



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Hi Mjcoon

Give me another week or so.

I have started another project in Mozambique and it is very fustrating! These people have no sense of time. I have come to the conclusion that their calender does not have days in it but only weeks:BangHead::BangHead:



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Hi All

I am attaching another update to my "CAD" program. I am attaching it here as I have forgotten how to update the 1st post.:sign0013:

I would also like to thank Klaus and Agraham and everybody else in this forum for their help.

It is not nearly what I want it to be, so expect updates on a regular basis.

I really would like to have feedback to make this program better.


1. Program has been updated. Need help with importing DXF files please:sign0085:
Last edited:


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It is not nearly what I want it to be, so expect updates on a regular basis.
1. Program has been updated. Need help with importing DXF files please:sign0085:

Perhaps the second update should be to remove the DLLs from the ZIP. Some may not be meant to be accessible to un-registered readers, and anyway we should all use the latest DLLs, not those embedded in ZIP files.

(I haven't actually tried it yet, so no useful feedback...)



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I've tried the program; but it is looking for a Total Station. Would you be able to package the CAD program on its own?


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Go to "Parameters" and set your instrument to "Manual", then the program will not look for a Total Station.



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Hi Klaus

Thank you very much for your comments.:sign0188: I will work on them this weekend and post an updated version by Sunday.



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Any further updates on this program

Hi Ceaser

Any further updates on this program?

I tried to open the program in the latest version from Basic4android but I could not find the project file to start. :sign0085:

How to go about opening and having a look at how the program works?

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