Android Question Call forwarding, do I need phonestate?


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Longtime User

I need to create a small app that quickly enables an unconditional call forward
for people here at work that are not familiar with smart phones.

Can I just change the default phone forward settings in a kind of registry wise way like on Windows?

or do I really need one of these phone state libraries to have the app running as a service and check on incoming call states?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is this an in-phone function or something you activate provider wise?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Got it working, Erel.

With your phone lib it's like 1 line of code unlike that intent stuff for the none b4a users.

the only "bad" part is that the screen blacks out 2 seconds during the *21*num# dial
and it gives extra notification prompts to be clicked away but that's something to live with it since it's OS prolly based.
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