Android Question CameraEX Work with images


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i am doing the following to convert images to a string From the camera

Sub camera_Preview(Data() As Byte)
Dim sendtime As Long

sendtime = DateTime.Now

If sendtime - lastsendtimecam >= 500 Then

Dim jpeg() As Byte = camera1.PreviewImageToJpeg(Data, 20)

Dim rot As Int = camera1.CurrOrient
Dim ins As InputStream
Dim bmp As Bitmap
Dim bmpresize As Bitmap

ins.InitializeFromBytesArray(jpeg, 0, jpeg.Length)
bmp = RotateImage(bmp, rot)
bmpresize = CreateScaledBitmap(bmp,320, 240)

Dim imagetostring As String
Dim imgbyets() As Byte
imgbyets =  imagetobyets(bmpresize)

imagetostring = strutls.EncodeBase64(imgbyets)

'do send if needed

lastsendtimecam = DateTime.Now

End If

End Sub

every thing seems to work but the phone is lagging too much while this procedures begins , any idea on how to enhance the performance of current code to avoid lagging freezing ?


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Longtime User
First of all, which preview size are you using? If you are sending 320x240, and this resolution is already supported by your camera (getSupportedPreviewSizes), make sure to select it as preview size, and all previous operations will be cheaper (and some unnecessary)
Also, usually the camera gives the preview frame in landscape mode. Your final image seems also in landscape, so the rotate function seems to do nothing in this case. Worth evaluating if it takes any time, as there can be surprises.

If the above is not enough, there are additional ways to optimize it all, depending on what is causing the bottleneck. You should measure time taken by each step, also the real preview size and jpeg size: this will help to sort if the problem is due to transmission bandwidth or processing delay.--> for instance, you could directly send the JPEG encoded in base64 (if you can re-build the bitmap on the other side based on this information).
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