Android Question Can't find Httputils2 library after installing v11.80


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I have been working on an old app for a few days and as I was getting almost done, I decided to update to v11.80 to remove the nag message.
Bad idea... I get an error message about a reference to Httpjob type and I am apparently missing the library for that, which is supposed to be now an internal library.
I tried to downgrade the installation to the previous version but the error is still there and the http and mlhttp libraries no longer show up.

I was able to import the job into another machine running an older version of the IDE and that works (I can still see the HTTP and MLHTTP libraries on the old machine, they have disappeared from the machine running the new IDE). So I am out of the woods for now, but I would like to get this resolved of course.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


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stuff that was httpxxxx has been okhttpxxxx for quite a while. as for mlhttp, i couldn't find it at all using the search box...

okhttp.jar and okhttputils2.b4xlib are the internal libraries that replaced http.jr and httputils. you should see them in the ide. the switch was seamless. good luck with mlhttp.
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Yes, thank you. I had forgotten about it but I just found them :)

Sorry for the bandwidth.

In general, it is occasionally frustrating to find which library is required for a particular function. I wish there were a way to improve that.
When I write a new app, I include the name of the library file(s) that may be required, but if the library name(s) change, I sometimes fail to update the notes, and this happens :)

This is an example (updated) for that app:
	Public TCPSck1 As Socket ' requires Network library
	Public ServerSocket1 As ServerSocket  ' requires Network library
	Public UDPSck1 As UDPSocket ' requires Network library
	Public AStreams As AsyncStreams ' requires RandomAccessFile library
	Dim sf As StringFunctions ' requires StringFunctions library
 	Dim ph As Phone ' requires Phone library
	Public Serial1 As Serial ' requires Serial library
	Public job1 As HttpJob ' requires OkHttpUtils2 and OkHttp libraries
	Public csu As CallSubUtils ' requires CallSubUtils.bas library
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