Hi tstewart,
Yesterday I wasn't at home, so I answer you only today.
I didn't expect you to do that.
Me too !
But I needed to test if the 'prcedure' I described worked, also for my own knowledge. The best way to test something is with a real example, so I did it.
I sorry, I'll stop pestering you soon, I promise.
Don't worry, if I can I help I do it with pleasure.
I now wish to pass the image to be displayed from the main program.
For the image file pass:
- Do you need to pass the file name from the main module to the Draw module, or wouldn't a Load button in the Draw module do it, of course both are also possible.
- When you load a new image, you must initialize once again the drawer and the font. If the size is different you also need to initialize the Scroll contol properties, at least Maximum and Value.
How about adding an undo feature.
I would not save the whole image, but only either:
- the surrounding rectangles of the last drawings with their dimensions Left, Top, Width and Height, it needs to calculate the surrounding rectangle's dimensions in function of the drawing function type, line width etc. This would use the less memory.
- the whole screen (the current displayed part of the image) with the ScreenX0 and ScreenY0 coordinates (upper left corner of the displayed part in the whole image), easier to implement but needs some more memory.
Save in memory or in files:
- in memory, would be faster but with the risc of 'out of memory' error
- in files, no out of memory risc but slower.
For the first solution above, I think it would be possible in memory. With the whole screen you should make some trials.
Be also aware that when you save the image with the jpg format you loose some information when reading it back. I had problems when I saved button images, as jpg's, with a white background as transparent color . When I read those back the white background looked white but wasn't real white any more and no more transparent. So I save those always as bmp's.
For the other points you already got answers.
I used the Save function in agraham's ImageLibEx library for three reasons:
- the bitmaps are saved 'normaly', bitmaps saved with dzImage library are shown upside-down in some programs.
- one library for drawing and saving
- the ImageLibEx library is directly embedded into the exe file, so no need to distribute it or save it with the exe file.
Best regards.