#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 600
#MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Public MainForm As Form
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
Dim Q As Char = Chr(34)
Dim Line() As String = Array As String( _
"#Region Project Attributes", _
" #MainFormWidth: 600", _
" #MainFormHeight: 600", _
"#End Region", _
"Sub Process_Globals", _
" Private fx As JFX", _
" Public MainForm As Form", _
"End Sub", _
"Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)", _
" Dim Q As Char = Chr(34)", _
" Dim Line() As String = Array As String( _", _
" ", _
")", _
" MainForm = Form1", _
" Dim textArea1 As TextArea: textArea1.Initialize(Chr(47) & Chr(47) & Chr(47) & Chr(47))", _
" MainForm.RootPane.AddNode(textArea1, 0, 0, MainForm.Width, MainForm.Height)", _
" MainForm.Title = ////This Is an exact replica of myself!////", _
" MainForm.Show", _
" 'textArea1.Text = ?? 'In how many lines can you do this? My best shot is 66 lines, including this preamble.", _
" Dim SB1 As StringBuilder : SB1.Initialize : Dim SB2 As StringBuilder : SB2.Initialize", _
" For i = 0 To 10", _
" SB1.Append(Line(i) & Chr(10))", _
" Next", _
" For i = 0 To Line.Length - 1", _
" SB1.Append(Line(11)).Append(Q).Append(Line(i)).Append(Q)", _
" If i < Line.Length - 1 Then SB1.Append(Chr(44)).Append(Chr(32)).Append(Chr(95)).Append(Chr(10))", _
" Next", _
" For i = 12 To Line.Length - 1", _
" SB2.Append(Line(i) & Chr(10))", _
" Next", _
" textArea1.Text = SB1.ToString.Replace(Chr(47)&Chr(47), Q) & SB2.ToString.Replace(Chr(47)&Chr(47)&Chr(47)&Chr(47), Q)", _
"End Sub")
MainForm = Form1
Dim textArea1 As TextArea: textArea1.Initialize(Chr(47) & Chr(47) & Chr(47) & Chr(47))
MainForm.RootPane.AddNode(textArea1, 0, 0, MainForm.Width, MainForm.Height)
MainForm.Title = "This is an exact replica of myself!"
'textArea1.Text = ?? 'In how many lines can you do this? My best shot is 66 lines, including this preamble.
Dim SB1 As StringBuilder : SB1.Initialize : Dim SB2 As StringBuilder : SB2.Initialize
For i = 0 To 10
For i = 0 To Line.Length - 1
SB1.Append(Line(11)).Append(Q).Append(Line(i)).Append(Q).ToString.Replace(Chr(47)&Chr(47), Q)
If i < Line.Length - 1 Then SB1.Append(Chr(44)).Append(Chr(32)).Append(Chr(95)).Append(Chr(10))
For i = 12 To Line.Length - 1
textArea1.Text = SB1.ToString.Replace(Chr(47)&Chr(47), Q) & SB2.ToString.Replace(Chr(47)&Chr(47)&Chr(47)&Chr(47), Q)
End Sub