i saw on one of the downloads that you can change the autoscale of a screen inside the code in run time.
i would like to center an imageview via : ImageView1.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
while program is running to align after i changed the width and heght.
would anyone know how to do this.
That is another question.
How did you set the Gravity of the ImageView ?
Is the width / heigth ratio of the ImageView the same as the ration of the image?
yes i have tried to set gravity center_horizontal with no centering.
i did set the image size in the imagedownloader module:
For i = 0 To tasks.Size - 1
Dim link As String = tasks.GetValueAt(i)
If link = Job.JobName Then
Dim iv As ImageView = tasks.GetKeyAt(i)
-- iv.Height = bmp.Height
-- iv.Width = bmp.Width
End If
Where and how do you add the ImageView to the Activity or to a Panel.
You could also have the dimensions of the ImageView different from the bitmap using Gravity.FILL.