No. The data will come from the database when te app is running. No chance to see it at design-time.
You can see an example code at this post.
Thank you for your response just I approach reading the given link.
No. The data will come from the database when te app is running. No chance to see it at design-time.
You can see an example code at this post.
Search the forum for this. This has nothing to do with the Library itself.How at program startup can check if an Internet connection?
Label_connect.Text = "Ostatni odczyt: " & db.QueryASync("SELECT data_czas FROM meteo_pogoda LIMIT 0,1;","")
This will not work! You need o wait for the result event raised....Label_connect.Text = "Ostatni odczyt: " & db.QueryASync("SELECT data_czas FROM meteo_pogoda LIMIT 0,1;","")
Sub MySQL_QueryResult(data As List, meta As Map)
'Dim m As Map = meta
For i=0 To data.Size-1
End Sub
Sub MySQL_QueryResult(data As List, meta As Map)
Label_connect.Text = "Ostatni odczyt: " & MySQL_QueryResult("&meta&")
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
db.QueryASync("SELECT data_czas FROM meteo_pogoda ORDER BY data_czas DESC LIMIT 0,1;","")
End Sub
Sub MySQL_QueryResult(data As List, meta As Map)
Label_connect.Text = data
End Sub
For i = 0 To data.Size
Label.Text = data.get(i)
Mail send out just a minute ago.Hi Manfred, I already donated the 5 dollars, can you send me the mysql library?
MySQL Database not connected!
Tried to connect with HeidiSQL... With success.Seems your Database is NOT accessible from outside
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
Sub NOT FOUND: 'sql_status
Connected to Database
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
sending message to waiting queue (sql_queryresult)
running waiting messages (1)
** Activity (main) Resume **
AddPermission(android.permission.INTERNET) ' Allows applications to open network sockets.
AddPermission(android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE) ' Allows applications to access information about networks.