[chargeable] MSMySQL - Yet another MySQL-Library (but a FAST one :-))


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Dear DonManfred... here is the thing. I have a VPS (Webprovider Hostinger) Works like a charm. Heidi SQL Works great and i also try a Android program call nexus SQL and works fine... someday i hope i can understand RDC but for first stages it's ok to use other method. Does you library works fine? For Webserver database purposes. Tahnk you


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This library works like a charm.Don't bother donate $5 and enjoy.


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here is the thing. I have a VPS (Webprovider Hostinger) Works like a charm. Heidi SQL Works great and i also try a Android program call nexus SQL and works fine...
You mean you used HeidiSQL from your PC aconnecting to the VPS and it works. And you used and Android app connecting to your vps and this works too.
And now you want to know if this library can connect to your DB on your vps too;
I would say surerly yes if the database is accessible from outside. All should work.

If you want you can send me details (private conversation) to a testdatabae on your vps and i will test this connection for you.

I´m positive it will work...


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This is really incredibly easy- Thanks for all the work.
Just a few questions:

If developing to publish, would you recommend going through a web server ? - If that's the case, skip the questions below

Can you maybe elaborate a little bit around the DB username/pass stored in the app ?
How big is the security risk ? Would it be possible to encrypt the string to the DB ?
What would the implication be on the DB if you have a lot of clients connecting ? Maybe 1000 connections per min ?


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Can you maybe elaborate a little bit around the DB username/pass stored in the app ?
I dont recomment to use the lib in a production app (in google playstore). TOO much risk as the credentials are stored in APK. Hackers will find them easily

BUT you can fight against. Informatix did released a great totorial on security together with his PRO-Bundle lib

How big is the security risk ?
It is not hard to find the password in your apk once a hacker with a bit skill has it. Imagine yourself the risk for your Data. To be MUCH MUCH saver; use jRDC (or RDC) on your server.

What would the implication be on the DB if you have a lot of clients connecting ? Maybe 1000 connections per min ?
My lib just need to use one connection. The Database-SERVER must accept this much connections... For mysql usually not a problem.
No problem for jRDC too.


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I am using the MySQL library see and do in 1.06 with ExecuteBatchASync insert (batch , "") gives the siguinete Error

java.lang.Exception : Sub mysqlpca_batchresult signature does not match expected signature .

Someone knows what is that?

Thank you.

P.S. Sorry for the English


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the program this code
Sub MySQLPCA_BatchResult (batch As Map)
' Log ( batch)
' Log ( batch.GetValueAt ( 1) )
' ToastMessageShow ( & batch.GetValueAt ( 1) & "Order Header " True " were updated " )

' ToastMessageShow ( " The orders were updated Header " , True)
End Sub


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please use code tags when posting code

i´ve taken an old example.

Sub MySQL_BatchResult(data As List, meta As Map)
    'Log("Time: "&meta.Get("ms")&"ms")
    'Log("Size: "&meta.Get("size"))
    'For i=0 To data.Size-1
End Sub
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