If you want to check if the application is running on a Chromebook (for example to do some specific GUI reconfiguration to run in a resizable Window), you can use the following routine.
Hope it helps. Returns true if is a Chromebook, False otherwise.
Hope it helps. Returns true if is a Chromebook, False otherwise.
Sub isChromebook As Boolean
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.pm.FeatureInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
public static final String ARC_FEATURE = "org.chromium.arc";
public static final String ARC_DEVICE_MANAGEMENT_FEATURE = "org.chromium.arc.device_management";
/** Returns true if the device has a given system feature */
public boolean hasSystemFeature(String feature) {
return getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(feature);
/** Returns {@code true} if device is an ARC++ device. */
public boolean isArc() {
return hasSystemFeature(ARC_FEATURE) || hasSystemFeature(ARC_DEVICE_MANAGEMENT_FEATURE);
#End If
Dim ctx As JavaObject
Return ctx.RunMethod("isArc",Null)
End Sub