Good morning all.
Here is an example of a chrono that uses system time and the DateUtils library.
The principle is very simple.
It takes two different times to use DateUtils.PeriodBetween (H_Start, H_End).
H_start is obtained when the start button is clicked. It's system time. she is frozen.
H_End is the current time second after second thanks to the T_clock timer.
You just have to display the different time between the two.
When we click on the start button again after the break.
H_Start is obtained by the system time minus the time already measured.
H_End remains the same.
It's not much, but maybe someone will be interested in it.
Here is an example of a chrono that uses system time and the DateUtils library.
The principle is very simple.
It takes two different times to use DateUtils.PeriodBetween (H_Start, H_End).
H_start is obtained when the start button is clicked. It's system time. she is frozen.
H_End is the current time second after second thanks to the T_clock timer.
You just have to display the different time between the two.
When we click on the start button again after the break.
H_Start is obtained by the system time minus the time already measured.
H_End remains the same.
It's not much, but maybe someone will be interested in it.
Here is the code:
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Private xui As XUI
Private T_clock As Timer
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
Private clk_BtPause As Boolean = False
Private myTimeZone As Int
Private H_Start, H_End As String
Private lblDiff As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Defined the TimeZone and general date time format
Dim s, d As String
Dim l As Long
s = DateTime.DateFormat
DateTime.DateFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
l = DateTime.Now
d = DateTime.Date(l) & " GMT"
DateTime.DateFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss z"
myTimeZone = -Round((l - DateTime.DateParse(d))/3600000)
DateTime.DateFormat = s
DateTime.DateFormat = "EEEE dd MMMM" 'Date format
DateTime.TimeFormat="HH:mm:ss" 'Time format
'default chrono label
lblDiff.Text = "00:00:00"
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub btStart_Click
If clk_BtPause = True Then 'Relaunch after clicking the pause button
'Convert string -pause time- to long. The chrono time when we click on the pause button ex: 00:01:23
Dim dfPause As String = DateTime.DateFormat
Dim pause As Long
DateTime.DateFormat = "HH:mm:ss"
pause = DateTime.DateParse(lblDiff.Text)
DateTime.DateFormat = dfPause
'Convert string -current time- to long. The system time when we click on the pause button
Dim dfCurrTime As String = DateTime.DateFormat
Dim currTime As Long
DateTime.DateFormat = "HH:mm:ss"
currTime = DateTime.DateParse(DateTime.time(DateTime.Now))
DateTime.DateFormat = dfCurrTime
'We restart at the current system time minus the break time.
Dim myStartTime As Long
myStartTime = currTime - pause
'New start time - the time is 2 times in the restart string. I do not know why
Dim restart As String = DateUtils.TicksToString(myStartTime)
Dim mystart() As String
mystart = Regex.Split(" ",restart)
H_Start = mystart(0)
'End time is now
H_End = DateTime.time(DateTime.Now)
T_clock.Enabled = True
clk_BtPause = False
'Start the chrono
If T_clock.Enabled = True Then
xui.MsgboxAsync("Stop the chrono before starting a new one","oups!")
'The chrono starts with the system time
H_Start = DateTime.time(DateTime.Now)
T_clock.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub myTemps_Tick
'H_Start = The time at which we started the chrono. This time is fixed (btStart_Click)
'H_End = The time is current time. This time changes seconds after seconds
H_End = DateTime.time(DateTime.Now)
'Calculate and show the difference between the two times
myDiff (H_Start, H_End)
End Sub
Sub myDiff (StartH As String, EndH As String)
Dim PerDiff As Period
Dim HS() As String
Dim HE() As String
'Split hh:mm:ss
HS = Regex.Split("\:",StartH)
HE = Regex.Split("\:",EndH)
HS = Regex.Split("\:",StartH)
HE = Regex.Split("\:",EndH)
'Years, Months, Days, is not use
Dim TimeA As Long = DateUtils.SetDateAndTime(2020, 10, 10, HS(0), HS(1), HS(2))
Dim TimeB As Long = DateUtils.SetDateAndTime(2020, 10, 10, HE(0), HE(1), HE(2))
PerDiff = DateUtils.PeriodBetween(TimeA, TimeB)
'To have two digits
Dim h, m, s As String
h = PerDiff.Hours
m = PerDiff.Minutes
s = PerDiff.Seconds
If h.Length = 1 Then
h = "0"&PerDiff.Hours
End If
If m.Length = 1 Then
m = "0"&PerDiff.Minutes
End If
If s.Length = 1 Then
s = "0"&PerDiff.Seconds
End If
'Show the chrono
lblDiff.Text = h & ":" & m & ":" & s
End Sub
Private Sub btPause_Click
clk_BtPause = True 'Check if the pause button has been clicked
T_clock.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btStop_Click
T_clock.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btReset_Click
If clk_BtPause = True Then
xui.MsgboxAsync("The chrono is paused","oups!")
If T_clock.Enabled = True Then
xui.MsgboxAsync("Stop the chrono before reseting","oups!")
T_clock.Enabled = False
lblDiff.Text = "00:00:00"
End If
End If
T_clock.Enabled = False
lblDiff.Text = "00:00:00"
End Sub