' ** B4XPage - RegistrationPage **
#Region Project Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
'Include B4XEncryption library for encryption functions
#if B4A
#AdditionalJar: B4XEncryption.jar
#else if B4i
#AdditionalLib: B4XEncryption
#else if B4J
#AdditionalJar: B4XEncryption.jar
#end if
'Include B4XSerializator for object serialization
#if B4A
#AdditionalJar: B4XSerializator.jar
#else if B4i
#AdditionalLib: B4XSerializator
#else if B4J
#AdditionalJar: B4XSerializator.jar
#end if
'Class module for handling registration logic
Sub Process_Globals
Private Page As B4XPage
Private edtUsername, edtPassword, edtConfirmPassword, edtVerificationCode As B4XFloatTextField
Private btnRegister, btnSendCode As B4XButton
Private verificationCode As String
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
Page.Title = "Registration"
'Initialize other components and set event handlers as needed
verificationCode = GenerateVerificationCode
End Sub
Public Sub Show
End Sub
'Event handler for the registration button
Sub btnRegister_Click
Dim username As String = edtUsername.Text.Trim
Dim password As String = edtPassword.Text
Dim confirmPassword As String = edtConfirmPassword.Text
Dim enteredVerificationCode As String = edtVerificationCode.Text
'Perform validation checks
If username = "" Or password = "" Or confirmPassword = "" Or enteredVerificationCode = "" Then
ToastMessageShow("All fields are required", True)
End If
If password <> confirmPassword Then
ToastMessageShow("Passwords do not match", True)
End If
If enteredVerificationCode <> verificationCode Then
ToastMessageShow("Invalid verification code", True)
End If
'Encrypt sensitive data (e.g., password) before sending to the server
Dim encryptedPassword As String = EncryptPassword(password)
'Send data to the server (you need to implement this part)
'For example, you can use HttpUtils2 to send a POST request to your server
'Include relevant server URL and parameters
'Make sure to handle the server response appropriately
End Sub
'Event handler for the send code button
Sub btnSendCode_Click
'Generate a new verification code and send it to the user
verificationCode = GenerateVerificationCode
'Send the verification code to the user via email, SMS, or other means
'Implement your code to send the verification code
ToastMessageShow("Verification code sent", True)
End Sub
'Function to generate a random verification code
Private Sub GenerateVerificationCode As String
Dim rnd As Random
Dim code As Int = rnd.Next(1000, 9999)
Return code
End Sub
'Function to encrypt the password before sending it to the server
Private Sub EncryptPassword(password As String) As String
Dim encryptor As B4XCipher
encryptor.Password = "YourEncryptionKey" 'Replace with your encryption key
Return encryptor.EncryptText(password)
End Sub