Hi all.
This is new version 2.00
Now is possibile NextPage and PreviousPage.
For any movie you have all details as:
Etag, Title, Description, PublisheAt, Urlpicture, categoryId, channelTitle, Definition, dimension, PrivacyStatus, dislikeCount, likeCount, viewCount, CommentCount, Duration
Note Duration return example: PT15M33S this is 15 minutes and 33 seconds.
And more.... this version is very fast look movie in youtube.
Author: Devil-App
Version: 2.05
Author: Devil-App
Version: 2
This example that you can download ( Apk ) utilize also ULV By Informatix and Universal Image Loader By Don Mandred
This is new version 2.00
Now is possibile NextPage and PreviousPage.
For any movie you have all details as:
Etag, Title, Description, PublisheAt, Urlpicture, categoryId, channelTitle, Definition, dimension, PrivacyStatus, dislikeCount, likeCount, viewCount, CommentCount, Duration
Note Duration return example: PT15M33S this is 15 minutes and 33 seconds.
And more.... this version is very fast look movie in youtube.
Author: Devil-App
Version: 2.05
Author: Devil-App
Version: 2
- Methods:
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
[*]detailsvideo (id As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
yt.DeatilsVideo( id, Me, "details_page")
id = Id Video YouTube type: "7lCDEYXw3mM"
[*]initialize (key As String, Log as Boolean) As String
[*]readingchannel (maxresult As Int, channelId As String, order As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
maxresult = 0 to 50
channelId = example --> "UCe5xLaib7HmDPbBp132t_9A"
order = date - rating - relevance - title - videoCount - viewCount ( if "" default value is relevance )
videoDuration = any - long( > 20 min.) - medium ( 4 min. to 20 min. ) - short ( if "" default value is any )
[*]readingchannelpage (nextpage As String, prevpage As String, maxresult As Int, channelId As String, order As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
For Next Page:
yt.ReadingChannelPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, channelId, order, videoDuration, Me, "scroll_page")
For Previous Page
yt.ReadingChannelPage("", prevpage, maxresult, channelId, order, videoDuration, Me, "scroll_page")
maxresult = 0 to 50
channelId = example --> "UCe5xLaib7HmDPbBp132t_9A"
order = date - rating - relevance - title - videoCount - viewCount ( if "" default value is relevance )
videoDuration = any - long( > 20 min.) - medium ( 4 min. to 20 min. ) - short ( if "" default value is any )
[*]readingplaylist (maxresult As Int, playlistId As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
maxresult = 0 to 50
playlistId = example --> "PL63F0C78739B09958"
[*]readingplaylistpage (nextpage As String, prevpage As String, maxresult As Int, playlistId As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
For Next Page:
yt.ReadingPlayListPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, playlistId, Me, "scroll_page")
For Previous Page
yt.ReadingPlayListPage("", prevpage, maxresult, playlistId, Me, "scroll_page")
maxresult = 0 to 50
playlistId = example --> "PL63F0C78739B09958"
[*]searchchannel (maxresult As Int, search As String, regionCode As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
maxresult = 0 to 50
search = "Ricky Martin"
regioncode = "IT" - "US" etc.
videoDuration = any - long( > 20 min.) - medium ( 4 min. to 20 min. ) - short ( if "" default value is any )
[*]searchchannelpage (nextpage As String, prevpage As String, maxresult As Int, search As String, regionCode As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
For Next Page:
yt.SearchChannelPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, search, regionCode, videoDuration, Me, "scroll_page")
For Previous Page
yt.SearchChannelPage("", prevpage, maxresult, search, regionCode, videoDuration, Me, "scroll_page")
maxresult = 0 to 50
search = "Ricky Martin"
regioncode = "" is all or "IT" - "US" etc.
videoDuration = any - long( > 20 min.) - medium ( 4 min. to 20 min. ) - short ( if "" default value is any )
[*]searchplaylist (maxresult As Int, search As String, order As String, regionCode As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
maxresult = 0 to 50
search = "Ricky Martin"
order = date - rating - relevance - title - videoCount - viewCount ( if "" default value is revelance )
regioncode = "IT" - "US" etc.
videoDuration = any - long( > 20 min.) - medium ( 4 min. to 20 min. ) - short ( if "" default value is any )
[*]searchplaylistpage (nextpage As String, prevpage As String, maxresult As Int, search As String, order As String, regionCode As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
For Next Page:
yt.SearchPlayListPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, search, order, regionCode, videoDuration, Me, "scroll_page")
For Previous Page
yt.SearchPlayListPage("", prevpage, maxresult, search, order, regionCode, videoDuration, Me, "scroll_page")
maxresult = 0 to 50
search = "Ricky Martin"
order = date - rating - relevance - title - videoCount - viewCount ( if "" default value is revelance )
regioncode = "IT" - "US" etc.
videoDuration = any - long( > 20 min.) - medium ( 4 min. to 20 min. ) - short ( if "" default value is any )
[*]searchvideo (maxresult As Int, search As String, order As String, regionCode As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
maxresult = 0 to 50
search = "Ricky Martin"
order = date - rating - relevance - title - videoCount - viewCount ( if "" default value is revelance )
regioncode = "IT" - "US" etc. ( if "" default value is all world )
videoDuration = any - long( > 20 min.) - medium ( 4 min. to 20 min. ) - short ( if "" default value is any )
[*]searchvideopage (nextpage As String, prevpage As String, maxresult As Int, search As String, order As String, regionCode As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
For Next Page:
yt.SearchVideoPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, search, order, "", "", Me, "scroll_page")
For Previous Page
yt.SearchVideoPage("", prevpage, maxresult, search, order, "", "", Me, "scroll_page")
nextpage = SVideo.nextpage(i)
prevpage = SVideo.prevpage(i)
maxresult = 0 to 50
search = "Ricky Martin"
order = date - rating - relevance - title - videoCount - viewCount ( if "" default value is revelance )
regioncode = "IT" - "US" etc. ( if "" default value is all world )
videoDuration = any - long( > 20 min.) - medium ( 4 min. to 20 min. ) - short ( if "" default value is any )
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'For details Id Video
'You have as Return:
'Etag, Title, Description, PublisheAt, Urlpicture, categoryId, channelTitle, Definition, dimension,
'PrivacyStatus, dislikeCount, likeCount, viewCount, CommentCount, Duration
'Note Duration return example: PT15M33S this is 15 minutes and 33 seconds.
'yt.DetailsVideo(id, Me, "details_page")
'yt.SearchVideo(maxresult, search, order, "", "", Me, "search_video")
'yt.SearchVideoPage(nextpage, prevpage, maxresult, search, order, "", "", Me, "scroll_search_video")
'yt.ReadingChannel(maxresult, channelId, order, "", Me, "reading_channel")
'yt.ReadingChannelPage(nextpage, prevpage, maxresult, channelId, order, "", Me, "scroll_reading_channel")
'yt.ReadingPlayList( maxresult, playlist, Me, "reading_playlist")
yt.ReadingPlayListPage(nextpage, prevpage,maxresult, playlist, Me, "scroll_reading_playlist")
'yt.SearchChannel( maxresult, search, "", "", Me, "search_channel")
'yt.SearchChannelPage(nextpage, prevpage, maxresult, search, "", "", Me, "scroll_search_channel")
'yt.SearchPlayList(maxresult, search, "", "", "", Me, "search_playlist")
'yt.SearchPlayListPage(nextpage, prevpage, maxresult, search, "", "", "", Me, "scroll_search_playlist")
End Sub
Sub details_page(DVideo As DetailsVideo)
LogColor("Title: " & DVideo.title(0), Colors.Blue)
Log("Description: " & DVideo.description(0) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & DVideo.publishedAt(0) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & DVideo.urlpicture(0) )
Log("Etag: " & DVideo.Etag(0) )
Log("CategoryId: " & DVideo.CategoryId(0) )
Log("ChannelTitle: " & DVideo.channelTitle(0) )
Log("Definition: " & DVideo.Definition(0) )
Log("Dimension: " & DVideo.Dimension(0) )
Log("PrivacyStatus: " & DVideo.PrivacyStatus(0) )
Log("disLikeCount: " & DVideo.DislikeCount(0) )
Log("LikeCount: " & DVideo.LikeCount(0) )
Log("ViewCount: " & DVideo.ViewCount(0) )
Log("CommentCount: " & DVideo.CommentCount(0) )
Log("Duration: " & DVideo.Duration(0) )
End Sub
Sub search_video(SVideo As SearchVideo)
LogColor("Total Results: " & SVideo.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To SVideo.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & SVideo.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Description: " & SVideo.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & SVideo.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & SVideo.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID Video: " & SVideo.idVideo(p1) )
Log("Next Page: " & SVideo.nextpage(p1))
Log("Prev Page: " & SVideo.prevpage(p1))
End Sub
Sub reading_channel(RChannel As ReadChannel)
LogColor("Total Results: " & RChannel.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To RChannel.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & RChannel.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Description: " & RChannel.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & RChannel.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & RChannel.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID Channel: " & RChannel.idChannel(p1) )
Log("Play List ID: " & RChannel.playlistid(p1) )
End Sub
Sub reading_playlist(RPList As ReadingPlayList)
LogColor("Total Results: " & RPList.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To RPList.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & RPList.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Description: " & RPList.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & RPList.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & RPList.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID Video: " & RPList.idVideo(p1) )
End Sub
Sub search_channel(SChannel As SearchChannel)
LogColor("Total Results: " & SChannel.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To SChannel.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & SChannel.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Channel Title: " & SChannel.ChannelTitle(p1))
Log("Description: " & SChannel.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & SChannel.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & SChannel.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID Channel: " & SChannel.ChannelId(p1) )
End Sub
Sub search_playlist(SPList As SearchPlayList)
LogColor("Total Results: " & SPList.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To SPList.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & SPList.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Channel Title: " & SPList.ChannelTitle(p1))
Log("Description: " & SPList.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & SPList.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & SPList.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID PlayList: " & SPList.PlayListId(p1) )
End Sub
Sub scroll_search_video(Svideo As SearchVideo)
LogColor("Total Results: " & Svideo.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To Svideo.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & Svideo.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Description: " & Svideo.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & Svideo.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & Svideo.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID Video: " & Svideo.idVideo(p1) )
Log("Next Page: " & Svideo.nextpage(p1))
Log("Prev Page: " & Svideo.prevpage(p1))
If p1 = 0 Then
nextpage = Svideo.nextpage(p1)
prevpage = Svideo.prevpage(p1)
End If
End Sub
Sub scroll_reading_channel(RChannel As ReadChannel)
LogColor("Total Results: " & RChannel.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To RChannel.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & RChannel.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Description: " & RChannel.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & RChannel.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & RChannel.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID Channel: " & RChannel.idChannel(p1) )
Log("Play List ID: " & RChannel.playlistid(p1) )
If p1 = 0 Then
nextpage = RChannel.nextpage(p1)
prevpage = RChannel.prevpage(p1)
End If
End Sub
Sub scroll_reading_playlist(RPList As ReadingPlayList)
LogColor("Total Results: " & RPList.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To RPList.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & RPList.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Description: " & RPList.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & RPList.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & RPList.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID Video: " & RPList.idVideo(p1) )
If p1 = 0 Then
nextpage = RPList.nextpage(p1)
prevpage = RPList.prevpage(p1)
End If
End Sub
Sub scroll_search_channel(SChannel As SearchChannel)
LogColor("Total Results: " & SChannel.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To SChannel.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & SChannel.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Channel Title: " & SChannel.ChannelTitle(p1))
Log("Description: " & SChannel.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & SChannel.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & SChannel.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID Channel: " & SChannel.ChannelId(p1) )
If p1 = 0 Then
nextpage = SChannel.nextpage(p1)
prevpage = SChannel.prevpage(p1)
End If
End Sub
Sub scroll_search_playlist(SPList As SearchPlayList)
LogColor("Total Results: " & SPList.totalResults, Colors.Red)
Dim p1 As Int
For p1 = 0 To SPList.TotalChannel - 1
LogColor("Title: " & SPList.title(p1), Colors.Blue)
Log("Channel Title: " & SPList.ChannelTitle(p1))
Log("Description: " & SPList.description(p1) )
Log("Pubblished At: " & SPList.publishedAt(p1) )
Log("Url Pictures: " & SPList.urlpicture(p1) )
Log("ID PlayList: " & SPList.PlayListId(p1) )
If p1 = 0 Then
nextpage = SPList.nextpage(p1)
prevpage = SPList.prevpage(p1)
End If
End Sub
'Next Page
Sub Activity_Click
'yt.SearchVideoPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, search, order, "", "", Me, "scroll_search_video")
'yt.ReadingChannelPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, channelId, order, "", Me, "scroll_reading_channel")
'yt.ReadingPlayListPage(nextpage, "",maxresult, playlist, Me, "scroll_reading_playlist")
'yt.SearchChannelPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, search, "", "", Me, "scroll_search_channel")
yt.SearchPlayListPage(nextpage, "", maxresult, search, "", "", "", Me, "scroll_search_playlist")
End Sub
'Previous Page
Sub Activity_LongClick
'yt.SearchVideoPage("", prevpage, maxresult, search, order, "", "", Me, "scroll_search_video")
'yt.ReadingChannelPage("", prevpage, maxresult, channelId, order, "", Me, "scroll_reading_channel")
'yt.ReadingPlayListPage("", prevpage,maxresult, playlist, Me, "scroll_reading_playlist")
'yt.SearchChannelPage("", prevpage, maxresult, search, "", "", Me, "scroll_search_channel")
yt.SearchPlayListPage("", prevpage, maxresult, search, "", "", "", Me, "scroll_search_playlist")
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
This example that you can download ( Apk ) utilize also ULV By Informatix and Universal Image Loader By Don Mandred

Last edited: