Need a filepickerdialog? to choose files from your File.Dirdocument Folder? With this class it is super easy and you can costumize it if you want.
1, Add the Class to your Project
2, Initialize the Class in a button_click Event like this:
3. Add the File extension you would like to filter like in the code above.
4. show the dialog.
After the user will select the files the class will return a Map with the selected files in it. Each object will contain a Path and a Filename.
this is the Event that will we called after user clicks "Add" button.
I include the complete example and the class.
(If you like my work then you can show it with a donation of 1.000.000 $
, a smaller amount will not be accepted ?)
Have Fun!
(EDIT: i decided to include the source so you can play with it as you wish and not compile it to a library.)
1, Add the Class to your Project
2, Initialize the Class in a button_click Event like this:
Sub btn_Click
If Not(fp.IsInitialized) Then fp.Initialize(Me,Page1.RootPanel,"fp",File.DirDocuments)
Dim extensions() As Int = Array As Int(fp.Extensions_allfiles)
End Sub
3. Add the File extension you would like to filter like in the code above.
4. show the dialog.
After the user will select the files the class will return a Map with the selected files in it. Each object will contain a Path and a Filename.
this is the Event that will we called after user clicks "Add" button.
Sub fp_selectedFiles(filemap As Map)
For Each key As String In filemap.Keys
Dim myfile As fileatt = filemap.Get(key)
'you can get the complete filepath like this
'we know we have only text files so i can read the string form it
End Sub
I include the complete example and the class.
(If you like my work then you can show it with a donation of 1.000.000 $
Have Fun!
(EDIT: i decided to include the source so you can play with it as you wish and not compile it to a library.)