B4A Library [Class] Flexible Table

This thread will be used by Erel, Melamoud and myself to discuss / post new releases of the Table class.

The table class is a flexible UI component that enable scrollable table like UI, with sortable columns, multiselect rows etc

the table is very efficient, maintaining labels only for visible rows

old thread with details : http://www.b4x.com/forum/additional...view-supports-tables-any-size.html#post110901

The class depend on following libraries:
- StringUtils (standard)
- SQL (standard)
- JavaObject (standard)
- B4XCollections (standard)
- ScrollView2D (additional)

List of major features.
1. scrollable table UI
2. sortable columns
3. select a row, cell or multi select rows
4. callback for selection / click a cell / row
5. callback for long click action
6. read / write to CSV file

Current version --> 3.35 Custom View
Current version --> 1.44 Class

Other complementary routines:

Load data with the Remote Database Connector.

EDIT: LucaMs has written a routine to fill a table with a Remote Database Connector query result see post 182.
The routine hasn't been added into the Class for the reasons explained in post 183.
A sample program can be found HERE.

'load data from a RDC Request
'Result = DBResult object got from a RDC request
'AutomaticWidths  True > set the column widths automaticaly
'Written by LucasMs
Public Sub LoadRDCResult(Result As DBResult, AutomaticWidths As Boolean)
    cAutomaticWidths = AutomaticWidths
    NumberOfColumns = Result.Columns.Size

    Dim Headers(NumberOfColumns) As String
    Dim ColumnWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
    Dim HeaderWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
    Dim DataWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
    Dim col, row As Int
    Dim str As String
    For col = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
        Headers(col) = Result.Columns.GetKeyAt(col)
        If AutomaticWidths = False Then
            ColumnWidths(col) = 130dip
            HeaderWidths(col) = 130dip
            DataWidths(col) = 130dip
            HeaderWidths(col) = cvs.MeasureStringWidth(Headers(col), Typeface.DEFAULT, cTextSize) + 8dip + cLineWidth
            DataWidths(col) = 0

            Dim FieldValue As Object
            For row = 0 To Result.Rows.Size - 1
                Dim Record() As Object = Result.Rows.Get(row)
                FieldValue = Record(col)
                If GetType(FieldValue) = "java.lang.String" Then
                    DataWidths(col) = Max(DataWidths(col), cvs.MeasureStringWidth(str, Typeface.DEFAULT, cTextSize) + 8dip + cLineWidth)
                End If
            ColumnWidths(col) = Max(HeaderWidths(col), DataWidths(col))
        End If

    For Each Record() As Object In Result.Rows
        Dim R(NumberOfColumns) As String
        Dim FieldV As String
        For col = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
            FieldV = Record(col)
            R(col) = FieldV
End Sub

This is another routine updated by cimperia in post #392 using a Map for the columns and a List for the rows.
'load data from a RDC Request
'A RDC request returns a DBResult object, therefore this method
'could be called as is:
'LoadRDCResult(DBResult.Columns, DBResult.Rows, True)
'AutomaticWidths  True > set the column widths automaticaly
'Written by LucasMs
Public Sub LoadRDCResult(Columns As Map, Rows As List, AutomaticWidths As Boolean)
  cAutomaticWidths = AutomaticWidths
  NumberOfColumns = Columns.Size

  Dim Headers(NumberOfColumns) As String
  Dim ColumnWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
  Dim HeaderWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
  Dim DataWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
  Dim col, row As Int
  Dim str As String
  For col = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
    Headers(col) = Columns.GetKeyAt(col)
    If AutomaticWidths = False Then
      ColumnWidths(col) = 130dip
      HeaderWidths(col) = 130dip
      DataWidths(col) = 130dip
      HeaderWidths(col) = cvs.MeasureStringWidth(Headers(col), Typeface.DEFAULT, cTextSize) + 8dip + cLineWidth
      DataWidths(col) = 0

      Dim FieldValue As Object
      For row = 0 To Rows.Size - 1
        Dim Record() As Object = Rows.Get(row)
        FieldValue = Record(col)
       If GetType(FieldValue) = "java.lang.String" Then
         DataWidths(col) = Max(DataWidths(col), cvs.MeasureStringWidth(str, Typeface.DEFAULT, cTextSize) + 8dip + cLineWidth)
       End If
      ColumnWidths(col) = Max(HeaderWidths(col), DataWidths(col))
    End If

  For Each Record() As Object In Rows
    Dim R(NumberOfColumns) As String
    Dim FieldV As String
    For col = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
      FieldV = Record(col)
      R(col) = FieldV
End Sub

Load data from a MSMariaDB database.

Another routine for loading data from a MSMariaDB database can be found in post#727.
Thanks to @Magma.

EDIT: 2024.04.21 Version 3.35
Replaced the original sorting functions by new ones kindly provided by forum member RB Smissaert.
Amended first scroll scrolling back to 0
Amended Header with transparent color

EDIT: 2024.01.13 Version 3.33
Changed possible values for DataType
TEXT and NUMBER become T, R and I
Amended problem with column colors
Amended problems with SetHeaderColors and SetHeaderTextColors

Version 3.32
Amended Header and HeaderFirst problem in SaveCSVFromTable
Moved If (lblStatusline... from AddRow to ShowRow

Version 3.31
Added SingleLine property for the Designer
Added StatusLineHeight as a property
Added FastScrollLabelMaxChars as a property

EDIT: 2021.06.28 Version 3.30
Added a check for none numeric values for numeric sorting.

EDIT: 2021.06.28 Version 3.29
Amended problem with column colors
Version 3.28
Added NumberOfColumns in the code
Added TopRowIndex method
Version 3.27
Amended MultiSelect EDIT: 2020.09.02 Version 3.26
Amended problem with sort with remove accents
Amended problem with SetRowColorN
Added SetCellAlignmentColN method
Added SetHeaderAlignmentColN method

EDIT: 2020.08.05 Version 3.24
Amended problem with JumpToRowAndSelect not being selected.
Amended error when setting RowHeight before the table initialized

EDIT: 2020.06.19 Version 3.22
Amended error in the insertRowAt routine.

EDIT: 2020.05.25 Version 3.21
Amended bug with TextSize in fixed columns

EDIT: 2020.05.16 Version 3.20
Added fast scroll feature
Version 3.19
Improved automatic width calculation and hidden columns
Version 3.18
Added a check in RemoveRowColorN to ensure that Row is not out of bounds
Added ShowRow event
Amended automatic width calculations
Amended hidden column width problem

EDIT: 2020.04.21 Version 3.17
Amended HeaderHight problem with fixed columns

EDIT: 2020.04.21 Version 3.16
Amended two errors.

EDIT: 2020.04.14 Version 3.14
Added the methods below
- LoadSQLiteDB4(SQLite As SQL, Query As String, AutomaticWidths As Boolean)
loads SQLite data with data type checking
- LoadSQLiteDB5(SQLite As SQL, Query As String, Values() As String, AutomaticWidths As Boolean).
loads SQLite data with data type checking , similar to LoadSQLiteDB4 but for parametrized queries.
- GetColumnDataTypes As String(), returns an Array with the data type for each column.
- GetColumnDataType(Column As Int) As String, returns the data type of the fiven column.
Added the InnerTotalWidth property, read only.
Added multiple first fiexed columns
Added line colors

EDIT: 2020.03.10 Version 3.10
Amended bug reported HERE

EDIT: 2020.03.06 Version 3.09
Amended bug reported HERE.

EDIT: 2020.02.29 Version 3.08
Amended SetHeaderTypefaces method problem reprted HERE.
Added HeaderTypeface property.

EDIT: 2020.01.08 Version 3.07
Amended bug ShowStatisLine = False property bug.
Added MultiSelect property to Designer properties.
You need to open and close the Designer when you use the new version the first time to make the MultiSelect property active.

EDIT: 2019.12.28 Version 3.06
Amened some bugs

EDIT: 2019.12.25 Version 3.05
Added FirstColumnFixed property which allows to fix the first column.
Attention: You need to open and close the Designer to make the new property active.

EDIT: 2019.11.15 Version 3.04
- Added SelectedRowTextColor and SlectedCellTextColor properties
- Added ZeroSelections property, True > when a selected row is pressed it will be unselected False > it remains selected.

EDIT: 2019.11.12 Version 3.03
- Changed JumpToRowAndSelect(Row As Int, Col As Int) to JumpToRowAndSelect(Col As Int, Row As Int)
- Changed LoadSQLiteDB2 signature. Replaced the possible values from "T", "I", "R" to "TEXT", "NUMBER" for coherence with SetColumnDataTypes.
- Added internal sorting bitmaps, avoids loading the image files into the Files folder.
- Added two new properties: SortBitmapWidth and SortBitmapColor.
- Added SetCustomSortingBitmaps method, which allows to use custom bitmaps instead of the internal ones.
Attention: You need to open and close the Designer to make the new properties active.
Attention: You need to invert the parameters in JumpToRowAndSelect.

EDIT: 2019.07.04 Version 3.02
Amended error reported in post #887

EDIT: 2019.06.26 Version 3.01
Amended SingleLine property setting in the code

EDIT: 2019.04.05 Version 3.00
Amended SetColumnColors and SetTextColors
Removed Reflection library dependency

EDIT: 2018.04.11 Version 2.29
Version 2.27
set the two variables sortedCol and sortingDir to Public instaed of Private
added RemoveAccent routine for sorting with accented characters
Version 2.28
Added SetHeaderTypeFaces
Added SortRemoveAccents property
Version 2.29
Added SaveTableToCSV2 with a user defined separator character

EDIT: 2018.04.11 Version 2.26
added LoadSQLiteDB3 method using SQLExec2 instead of SQLExec
The query can include question marks which will be replaced with the values in the array.

EDIT: 2018.03.27 Version 2.25
amended minor errors
added UpdateCell method

EDIT: 2017.11.19 Version 2.22
improved JumpToRowAndSelect scrolls horizontally to the selected column
improved setHeaderHeight
added padding for status bar Label

EDIT: 2017.06.27 Version 2.19
Replaced DoEvents by Sleep(0)
Asked HERE

EDIT: 2017.06.27 Version 2.19
Replaced DoEvents by Sleep(0)
Asked HERE

EDIT: 2017.05.16 Version 2.18
Amended error reported HERE.

EDIT: 2017.03.09 Version 2.17
Amended error reported HERE.

EDIT: 2017.03.09 Version 2.15
Amended error reported here, Event signatures
#Event: CellClick(col As Int, row As Int)
#Event: CellLongClick(col As Int, row As Int)

EDIT: 2016.12.05 Version 2.14
Added NumberOfColumns and NumberOfRows as Public variables.
Amended error reported here.

EDIT: 2016.12.05 Version 2.13
Amended error reported here.
Added NumberOfColumns as a property for the Designer.

EDIT: 2016.07.30 Version 2.10
Amended error with TextAlignment and HeaderTextAlignment reported in post #606

EDIT: 2016.03.15 Version 2.00
Added CustomView support.
This version can be compiled into a library.
Changes between the previous versions and version 2.00
For a Table added in the Designer, this is new
No need to initialize nor add it onto a parent view
'For a Table added in the Designer, this is new
'No need to initialize nor add it onto a parent view

For a Table added in the code:
The Initialize routine has been splittend into two routines.
Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String)
InitializeTable (vNumberOfColumns As Int, cellAlignement As Int, showStatusL As Boolean)

Table1.Initialize(Me, "Table1")
Table1.InitializeTable(5, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, True)

Initialize(CallBack As Object, EventName As String, vNumberOfColumns As Int, cellAlignement As Int, showStatusL As Boolean)
Table1.Initialize(Me, "Table1", 5, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, True)

EDIT: 2015.04.29 Version 1.43
As the modifications in LoadSQLiteDB don't work in all cases I went back.
LoadSQLiteDB as in version 1.40
Added LoadSQLiteDB2 where the column data types must be given.

EDIT: 2015.04.26 Version 1.42
Changed he LoadSQLiteDB routine, version 1.41 didn't work as expected.
The final solution was suggested by cimperia HERE.

EDIT: 2015.04.16 Version 1.41
Changed the LoadSQLiteDB routine according to the error reported in the SQL issue thread
and the SQLite Cursor GetString versus GetDouble thread.
The problem appears with numbers bigger than 999999.
I left version 1.40 in case of problems.
I tested it with a few databases, but I am not sure if it works in all cases.

EDIT: 2015.03.05
Amended bugs reported in posts #383 and #386
Added SetAutomaticWidths routine

EDIT: 2015.02.19
Amended the problem alignment reported in post # 378

EDIT: 2015.02.13
Amended the problem of rows not shown reported in post # 371

EDIT: 2015.01.09
Added header aligments

EDIT: 2014.08.14
Added HeaderHeight property
Amended RowColor problem reported in post #260

EDIT: 2014.08.10
Added SortColumn property asked in post #266
Added UseColumnColors ColumnColors and HeaderColors propeties

EDIT: 2014.05.10 Added RowHeight as a property




  • TableV1_44.zip
    44.8 KB · Views: 2,243
  • 1589638550715.png
    31.8 KB · Views: 1,710
  • TestFastScroll.zip
    50.6 KB · Views: 1,504
  • Table.bas
    152.2 KB · Views: 240
  • TableV3_35.zip
    110 KB · Views: 329
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi guys,

Want to share a modified ver of LoadSQLiteDB.
This sub will display data in numeric value to numeric with digit sign. For ex, if cell value is 5000, it will display 5,000. Data in SQL database is left unchanged, but, data in table changed !

Here are the codes
Public Sub LoadSQLiteDB2(SQLite As SQL, Query As String, FieldList As List,AutomaticWidths As Boolean)
    Dim Curs As Cursor
    Curs = SQLite.ExecQuery(Query)
    cAutomaticWidths = AutomaticWidths
    NumberOfColumns = Curs.ColumnCount
    Dim Headers(NumberOfColumns) As String
    Dim ColumnWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
    Dim HeaderWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
    Dim DataWidths(NumberOfColumns) As Int
    Dim col, row As Int
    Dim str As String
    For col = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
        Headers(col) = Curs.GetColumnName(col)
        If AutomaticWidths = False Then
            ColumnWidths(col) = 130dip
            HeaderWidths(col) = 130dip
            DataWidths(col) = 130dip
            HeaderWidths(col) = cvs.MeasureStringWidth(Headers(col), Typeface.DEFAULT, cTextSize) + 8dip + cLineWidth
            DataWidths(col) = 0
            For row = 0 To Curs.RowCount - 1
                Curs.Position = row
                str = Curs.GetString2(col)
                If str <> Null Then
                    DataWidths(col) = Max(DataWidths(col), cvs.MeasureStringWidth(str, Typeface.DEFAULT, cTextSize) + 8dip + cLineWidth)
                End If
            ColumnWidths(col) = Max(HeaderWidths(col), DataWidths(col))
        End If
    For row = 0 To Curs.RowCount - 1
        Dim R(NumberOfColumns), str As String
        For col = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
            Curs.Position = row
            str = Curs.GetString2(col)
            If str <> Null Then
                If(FieldList.IndexOf(Curs.GetColumnName(col)) > -1) Then
                    If(str <> "") Then
                        Private Num As Int
                        str = str.Replace(",", "")
                        Num = str
                        str = NumberFormat2(Num,0,0,0,True)
                    End If
                End If
                R(col) = str
                R(col) = ""
            End If
End Sub

FieldList is a list of header columns whose value will be formatted.
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Good idea.

But you should also fill FieldList and, above all, consider that the decimal separator is not always a comma but a dot.

FieldList is fill before call this sub, something like these
Private FieldList As List
    FieldList.AddAll(Array As String("COST PRICE","SALES PRICE","BB QTY","CALC"))
    Tbl.LoadSQLiteDB2(Main.SqlLt, Q, FieldList,True)

Decimal separator, could be added as a parameter or class property. Feel free to modify it :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Want to ask, what is the function of no of columns variable in sub
Table.Initialize(Me, "Tbl", 1, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, True) ?

I always set to 1, no matter how many columns returns from sql statement. No error raised and it seem a bit faster when loading (probably this is just personal op)
The NumberOfColumns parameter sets the column number.
As you are using LoadSQLiteDB the NumberOfColumns is ignored and set in the routine to the database column number.
The table class can be used to display any data not only coming from a datatbase where the column number must be given.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Want to share a modified ver of LoadSQLiteDB.
This sub will display data in numeric value to numeric with digit sign. For ex, if cell value is 5000, it will display 5,000. Data in SQL database is left unchanged, but, data in table changed.
Thank you for sharing this.
But I am afraid that the routine is too specifec to include it in the class.


Licensed User
Longtime User
This gave me another idea: you could pass an array of "types" for formatting (font type and size, color, upper/lower/capital case...)
Or pass an array of highlighted cells with a special color/font.
There are many ideas for this class.
But I am afraid that it will become too big with too many options.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
@klaus: What would make this class a complete class is the ability to have one or two left side fixed columns while scrolling horizontally. This way you can associate the data with the identifying left fixed (frozen) column.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
@klaus: What would make this class a complete class is the ability to have one or two left side fixed columns while scrolling horizontally. This way you can associate the data with the identifying left fixed (frozen) column.
Looking for this too.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi guys,

I use this class to load data from sql. Total number of data is about 18500 rows and 6 columns. I took almost 90 secs, and crashed when column header clicked.

I need to refresh table when data inserted/updated/deleted and 90 secs seem to long. I don't need sorting capabilities when column header clicked, is there a way to speed up loading process?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Probably, I could filter it, assuming, there are 1800 rows after filtered, and assuming again that time is linear, it will take about 9 secs to refresh the table.

Imagine, for every input, users need to wait for 9 secs to see data has been inserted into the table, I think, this is still to long.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Probably, I could filter it, assuming, there are 1800 rows after filtered, and assuming again that time is linear, it will take about 9 secs to refresh the table.

Imagine, for every input, users need to wait for 9 secs to see data has been inserted into the table, I think, this is still to long.

Unless it is possible to optimize the queries (other than what I have already written) ... you can always suggest users to write everything by hand :D


Licensed User
Longtime User
How do you call LoadSQLiteDB(SQL1, Query, True) ?
LoadSQLiteDB(SQL1, Query, False) ?
The boolean parameter indicates automatic column widths.
The width calculation could take time with many rows.
If you have set it to True, try to set it to False to see the difference.
Unfortunately, you need to set the column width your self in the code.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
How do you call LoadSQLiteDB(SQL1, Query, True) ?
LoadSQLiteDB(SQL1, Query, False) ?
The boolean parameter indicates automatic column widths.
The width calculation could take time with many rows.
If you have set it to True, try to set it to False to see the difference.
Unfortunately, you need to set the column width your self in the code.

Loading +/- 18500 rows with LoadSQLiteDB(SQL1, Query, False) took about 30 secs.

I am looking the source code in this class. It is beyond my skill right now.
How do you draw borders and row lines? Is this using built in class/sub or you draw it manually?

Is that possible to display data to users, just a few number rows that fits screen size, and display another data when users scroll it?

If screen can only fit 10 rows, table only display 10 data to users, and when users scroll, another 10 data show again to users.