B4A Library [Class] ModularMenu

[Class/Library] ModularMenu

I created a simple alternative to the standard menu similar to the one used by many apps.

Requires the library AnimationPlus V2!.

- Click

- AddMenuItem
- AddMenuItemAt
- OpenMenu
- CloseMenu
- IsOpen
- RenameItem

- RemoveAt
- RemoveAll
- MenuLock
- MenuUnlock
- KeyMenuPress
- Size

[ UPDATE 1.10 ]
- Added the method AddMenuItemAt to add an item at a specific position.

[ UPDATE 1.20 ]
- Added the method RemoveAll.
- Now the events are generated in different activity from the Main.

[ UPDATE 1.32 ]
- Inserted also Library version in Zip Class.
- Adding methods LoadItem and SaveItem to use the same menu with any Activity. I have included an example Multi-Activity in the Zip (use the library for this).
- Small improvements.

[ UPDATE 1.33 ]
- Minor bugfix.

[ UPDATE 1.34 ]
- Fixed bug with RemoveAll method.
- Fixed the forced closure devices with ICS.

[ UPDATE 1.36 ]
- Added the method RenameItem and IsOpen.
- Modified slightly the animation menu.

[ UPDATE 1.37 ]
- Fixed some bugs.

For most fluidity add this code to the Manifest:
SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:hardwareAccelerated, "true")

For suggestions and bug reports please do not hesitate to post it here.


  • 2013.01.03-09.33.03.png
    37.6 KB · Views: 2,537
  • ModulaMenu_1.37.zip
    57 KB · Views: 724
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