B4A Library [Class] SearchView - More powerful alternative to AutoCompleteEditText

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is there any method to load two items.Like contact name and phone number.


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A user asked about using a delimited list, searching the first delimited item and returning the second. You said it would entail a change to the class.

Support for two delimited items would be very useful. In my case, I have a list of airlines and their codes:

British Airways,BA
British Airways Shuttle,SHT
British International,BS
British North West Airlines,BNW
Brussels Airlines,SN
Brussels International Airlines,BXI
Budapest Aircraft Service,BPS
Buddha Air,BHA

I need to display the airline name and return the airline code. Other uses might be name,email_addr or city,zipcode. Can you point me towards where the class mods need to be made to display only the first item and return the second item? Thanks.


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Thanks for the help, Erel. I have loaded the csv file using:

csv = su.LoadCSV(File.DirAssets, "all_airlines.txt", ",")

Could you provide a line of code that will load the first items in csv into SearchView? I can manage the rest. Thanks!

UPDATE: I didn't realize that a String variable could be an array. Quite a departure from VB, but all is good now.
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loading 2 SV on 1 panel

Hey Erel - I'm loading two SearchView's from a MySQL server and for some reason it's populating both with the same data set.

here is the code, what's interesting is the DB data that gets loaded is the 2nd query statement... meaning if you switch the order (put conn first, then mfr) both lists show mfr records. the way it is written below shows the conn records, not the mfr.

any help would be appreciated!
   Dim mfr As List = Main.serverDB.Query("SELECT mfrNum FROM products")
   Dim conn As List = Main.serverDB.Query("SELECT prodID FROM products")
   If FirstTime Then
      mfrPNforSearch = mfrSV.SetItems(mfr)
      connPNforSearch = connSV.SetItems(conn)
   End If


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nothing showed up in the Log... weird. maybe because the variables are lists, and not strings?

but in the debugger, the local variables did show that they were the same lists.

Could you clarify what you mean for me please,

I recommend you to use the web service approach for your code.
and also what you mean by
Blocking the main thread will cause problems.


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I love this class, but I have issue with it when I've used it and then the operation panel comes up based on the picked item. If I try to go back and pick another item, I can type the new search term, and while I can't see the items list, I can still pick a line by tapping below.

I'm sure it's something with background or foreground colors, but I can't see how I can get handles on the editText or the Listview that is inside SearchView to manipulate them and make them opaque.

Once the ops panel is up, if I change the Searchview text, the items aren't visible through the ops panel, but can be chosen.

How do I get the textbox handle and how do I put the list on top when it's active?


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@Tadder, it seems like you are using a library that blocks the main thread. This will not work reliably. You should instead use a web service based solution as demonstrated in the MySQL or MS SQL tutorials.

@ikidd, the problem if I understand correctly is that your panel hides SearchView panel. Why don't you hide this panel when the user enters any text in the SearchView field?


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i don't understand what you mean by "blocks the main thread"... could you please explain, or point me in the right direction?

i did get it to work, btw, just had to load the DB's one at a time..:
   Dim mfr As List = Main.serverDB.Query("SELECT mfrNum FROM products")
   If FirstTime Then
      mfrPNforSearch = mfrSV.SetItems(mfr)
   End If
   Dim conn As List = Main.serverDB.Query("SELECT prodID FROM products")
   If FirstTime Then
      connPNforSearch = connSV.SetItems(conn)
   End If
one issue though, it's pretty slow. suppose this has something to do with not using the web service you are describing?


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Fair enough on the hide the panel.

How do I grab the EditText handle inside the sv so I can reset it if the user doesn't choose a valid option?


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So I switched out what I was using for the web service you told me to run. works 100 times better, thanks for that! i had looked at it at first a few weeks ago, but didn't understand it, and the one i was using was pretty simple (it seemed). which leads me to my next question...

how do i use the searchview with a remote MySQL connection? i'm getting really confused about what happens when i call ExecuteRemoteQuery as far as what happens, and when it happens. for example:
query = "SELECT prodID from PRODUCTS"
If FirstTime Then
   connPNforSearch = connSV.SetItems(partslist)
End If
fyi, partslist is a global list that gets set in JobDone.

This is erroring out because it gets to connSV.SetItems before it gets to initializing everything. how do i control the timing?


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so here's my temporary fix, unless i don't get a suggestion, or figure it out myself. i was trying to load two SV's side-by-side - one with my p/n's and one with mfr p/n's. i don't understand the timing issues, but for the time being, i'm just grabbing both columns from the remote DB at the same time and then loading them into only one SV. like this (this code is in the JobDone Sub):
For i = 0 To SVParts.Size-1
   partsMap = SVParts.Get(i)
connPNforSearch = connSV.SetItems(partslist)
problem is this doubles the size of the list (now totals 12000+ items), thus doubling the time it takes to initialize it... plus it has to re-do this everytime the user logs in (which i probably want to have happen anyway, as we'll be updating the DB daily ). Using this method is OK for now, and it may not get any better.

One other thing - it already takes about 10seconds to load (Building index... msg is up for about that long), and that is on Wifi with a 10meg cable modem... so i'm a little worried about someone that is connecting on 3G or worse...

is there any way to speed up the loading time?
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search view with two views


i tried to populate two search view in same activity as

sv.Initialize(Me, "sv")
sv1.Initialize(Me, "sv1")

it worked well,
now i want to display different hint/control to edit box like


but it display and pass control to both sv..and sv1 simultaneously

how can two sv be handled separately with their independent control..plz advice

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