See title. Example code (from the attached demo project):
Generated output:
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
Dim wmB4Jargs1 As wmB4Jargs
wmB4Jargs1.AddStandaloneArg("--nodetails", "-n", "This (optional) argument stands alone and does not need a value", False)
wmB4Jargs1.AddValueArg("--number", "-u", "The 'number' argument (optional) needs a numeric value", False, True)
wmB4Jargs1.AddPermittedValuesArg("--selectednumber", "-s", "'SelectedNumber' (optional) needs an integer value between 1 and 5 (both included)", False, Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), True)
wmB4Jargs1.AddPermittedValuesArg("--animal", "-a", "The 'animal' argument (required) needs one of these values: Ape, Bear, Cat", True, Array("Ape", "Bear", "Cat"), False)
Dim parseResult As wmB4JargsResult = wmB4Jargs1.Parse(Args)
If parseResult.firstError <> 0 Then
Log("ERROR: " & parseResult.offendingArg & ": " & parseResult.errorMsg) ' The error message can be localised via map wmB4Jargs.mapErrorMessages
Log("Argument values found:")
Log("Animal: " & parseResult.valuesMap.GetDefault("--animal", "<not specified>"))
Log("NoDetails: " & parseResult.valuesMap.GetDefault("--nodetails", "<not specified>"))
Log("Number: " & parseResult.valuesMap.GetDefault("--number", "<not specified>"))
Log("SelectedNumber: " & parseResult.valuesMap.GetDefault("--selectednumber", "<not specified>"))
End If
Generated output:
'Output for #CommandLineArgs: --Animal cat --NODETAILS --number 7 -s 3
Argument values found:
Animal: cat
NoDetails: true
Number: 7
SelectedNumber: 3
'Output for #CommandLineArgs: --Animal cat --number 7 -s 3
Argument values found:
Animal: cat
NoDetails: <not specified>
Number: 7
SelectedNumber: 3
'Output for #CommandLineArgs: --NODETAILS --number 7 -s 3
ERROR: --animal: Required argument is missing
' Output for the PrintHelp method:
-a, --animal The 'animal' argument (required) needs one of these
values: Ape, Bear, Cat
[-n], [--nodetails] This (optional) argument stands alone and does not need
a value
[-u], [--number] The 'number' argument (optional) needs a numeric value
[-s], [--selectednumber] 'SelectedNumber' (optional) needs an integer value
between 1 and 5 (both included)