B4J Question Clean project question and small bug in the search bar of the website.

Hi all,

I have a question to ask, is clean project safe to use on a project, it wont bring it down will it? We have a project that we are working on that when it is compiled in debug after a few minutes of editing and saving the code it freezes and then crashes the program that we are working on, the whole IDE closes, we then have to restart the IDE. Have to code without the program running and then compile it after saving to test. Will clean project work at sorting out the problem(got ride of piles of warnings that was filling up the logs in the IDE, but it did not sort out this problem )

I know that this is a bug and maybe should be in the bugs thread, when typing in the search bar on the B4X website as seen below, the cursor sits under the magnifying glass making it hard to see what you are typing. Can this be moved?

Thanks so much.


Thank you. That does answer my question. Yet I am still stuck with the above problem it then throws an system out of memory error then the IDE closes. We have 12 GB of memory so that is not a problem, it will be great to have this problem sorted out, yet I don't know what to do. Would somebody be able to help?
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