Share My Creation CleanTasks - a minimalist to-do list

CleanTasks is a minimalist to-do list app that helps you get things done.
With its simple and intuitive interface, you can easily create, organize, and track your tasks.

I started developing this app 3 years ago out of boredom, but then left it behind. I actually only wanted to make a UI kit out of it, but I thought the design was mega and it was too bad to just make a UI kit out of it. So I invested 2 weeks of work and turned it into a real app.

App website:
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Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
After only 1 1/2 months of work, I finally managed to implement a premium version in my app ????
  • 1.1.0
    • Notification BugFixes
    • BugFixes and Improvements
    • Add Premium Subscriptions
    • Add Group Type "Shopping List" [Premium]
      • You can add a price to a todo
    • Add URL to notes [Premium]
      • URLs are recognized in the text and can be opened directly in the overview
    • Archive projects [Premium]
CleanTasks Pro

I could have made it easy for myself and done the whole thing in Designer. But I really wanted it to be modular, so I had to develop a new AS View...??

After I finally finished the UI, I realized that you need your own server to find out if the user still has a valid subscription. Luckily I came across a code snippet in the forum about RevenueCat and made a class out of it. After a lot of testing, everything worked together.

Libraries used:
  • AS_PremiumSummary (Soon)
  • RevenueCat (Soon)
  • iStore
  • AS_Settings

I am very happy with the result and hope that my 2nd app will get a premium version in much less time and effort.

Links in notes [Premium]
You can now write urls in the notes and these will automatically become clickable links in the task overview

Shopping List [Premium]
You can now declare a group as a shopping list, then you can add a price to a task

Group Archive [Premium]
Instead of deleting groups/projects after they have been completed, you can archive them

Premium feature info
For hidden premium features, there is an info button. If you click on it, a description will open.
AS_BottomText (Soon)

Here is the link to the cleantasks roadmap:


Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
iOS only?
At the moment it is, but I'll only start working on the Android version once the app is, feature completed. Otherwise I always have to test everything twice and change everything twice in the Designer.

But if you are interested in this app for B4A, I offer the source code for the 1st release version for B4A and B4I here in the forum for sale:

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
  • 1.2.0
    • BugFixes and Improvements
In this update I have completely revised the completion of tasks again, so that the list is clearer and it is more fun to complete tasks.

Download CleanTasks today:
CleanTasks website:

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
  • 1.3.0
    • BugFixes and Improvements
    • Add support for 12h time format
    • List order changed to new to old
      • The old order was old to new
    • German localization added
Support for 12h time format


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