Click on ProgressBar


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all,

I'm about to start coding an app with some timers that will be displayed as progress bars. Is there a way that the progress bar itself can be clicked on? My thinking is that instead of having a button to select the timer to adjust it I could just click the progress bar itself which would then take me to a new screen to enter a new value for the timer. It would save on screen space and possibly be more intuitive for the user.

I'm guessing that it wouldn't work in the same way as a click event for a button (eg Sub button1_click), or would it???. Would I have to seperately detect the user clicking in the same area of the screen as the progressbar or is there a simpler way to tie the click event directly to the progressbar?

Any help would be much appreciated. :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for the reply.

Seekbars are an option I'm considering. I haven't used them in b4a yet but I have downloaded a few apps from Google Play (no idea what they were coded with) with seekbars and quite often they've been clunky to use. You want to set it at a value of, say, 100 and you're constantly jumping around between the low 90s and 106/7+ trying to get it to exactly 100. This is more apparent the higher the maximum value of the seekbar.

I will try my app with seekbars first but would like the option of letting users be more exact with the timers without getting frustrated.
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