I could close activity with touch from left to right
Actually you can Down touch in left activity and move to right and activity closed
My code have two problem only
That it is not sharp moving activity when i touch and move my finger
and how show titlebar while i need transparent activity?
Please see source code and say your suggestion and develop it
I add SetActivityAttribute(actb, android:theme, @android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar) to manifest
and add panel to activity with gray color
and when i move panel,the previous activity seen
I attach gif for it
I could close activity with touch from left to right
Actually you can Down touch in left activity and move to right and activity closed
My code have two problem only
That it is not sharp moving activity when i touch and move my finger
and how show titlebar while i need transparent activity?
Please see source code and say your suggestion and develop it
I add SetActivityAttribute(actb, android:theme, @android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar) to manifest
and add panel to activity with gray color
and when i move panel,the previous activity seen
I attach gif for it