Android Question CodeSnippets.b4xlib


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from this and another, We still shound create b4xlib for CodeSnippets.b4xlib ,or not?


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I had not noticed that you can add snippets in a b4xlib. Nice to know.
When I had two computers (before the desktop bit the dust) I had all the B4X libs located in cloud so they were available in both my computers. If the purpose for creating a b4xlib is this then you can do the same.
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What is your purpose?
If for convenient, yes.

It is consider a new B4X feature and not deprecate.
Because I can't see the benefits. What is having codesnippets.b4xlib? Is there a code sample to recommend?
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Take OkHttpUtils2 as example.
Start typing "code".
What is the difference between not having a B4xlib file? The firsttime, I keep onlysnippets folder, it can be done perfectly.
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Adding code snippet into b4xlib is for convenient so that you can deliver it together with the library.
It also possible with just code snippet where library is empty.
Thank you for advise
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B4X programmer can ship or share the b4xlib without code snippets.
This is same as jar + xml.

Code Snippets is a bonus.

For me it is like double scoops of kindness.

I implement this feature in some of my libraries where I find fit.
e.g MiniORMUtils.
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