Android Question Collecting user's personal information within app


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Hi community,

I know already, how to get user's account, under which is user registered to the device:

Dim rfl As Reflector
rfl.Target = rfl.RunStaticMethod("android.accounts.AccountManager", "get", Array As Object(rfl.GetContext), Array As String("android.content.Context"))
Dim accounts() As Object
accounts = rfl.RunMethod2("getAccountsByType", "", "java.lang.String")
For i = 0 To accounts.Length - 1
          rfl.Target = accounts(i)
          googleAccountName = rfl.GetField("name")

I would like to ask you, is it possible to collect also other user's information? For example country, device type, device producer, user's age, user's gender, user's language, etc.

Is there any risk, that I will break the law when I start to collect these information?

Thank you.
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